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Everything posted by Diventurer

  1. People usually call me Diven or Div :P

  2. Hehe. I bet you've eaten too much youghurt ^_^

  3. You are aware that you just spoiled that part for me, right?

  4. Though... I'm starting to get annoyed by the fact that he has to use other people to tell his deduction.

    I hope that will change...

    *resumes episode 37*

  5. *presses play on episode 37*

    *expects that to be good enough of an explanation*

  6. I'm watching DC, d'uh! :D

    *presses play on episode 36*

  7. That I'm still only at the first episodes. I'm assuming that you've watched them all :P

    So you need to wait every week. I can watch everything I want!! MWUAHAHAHA!! :D

  8. :P

    I think I'm going to watch episode 34 of DC now.

    Yes, I'm still a newbie to the series. However, I bet my ass that you're jealous of that fact xD ;) ;)

  9. Well. I realised how much I like yoghurt.

  10. Thanks for sharing your bag of grandma's knowledge. ;)

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