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Detective Conan World


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About nakashimayumi

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/20/1998
  1. :D "@MarcellaYoung1: Smile donk sayangg:b:b;;)RT @natashaattt: -_-"@MarcellaYoung1: (◦'⌣'◦) @natashaattt: -____-"@MarcellaYoung1: :

  2. RT"@dailyteenwords: If you have something bad to say about ME, say it to MY face, It's better than being a bitch and doing it behind my "

    1. snowflake


      That's what I always say AND do to people yet surprisingly they say: "Hey, I'm right in front of you, how dare u insult me." And yet whenI'm talking about someone behind their back the person who said I'm right in front of you says you shouldn't say it behind her back!! *sighs* people...

  3. Oww. Aku cman ada ituu"@natassyaleo: @natashaattt anime hakuoki juga e a, cuman lagunya yg lain"

  4. Oww:( "@I_DConan: Belum tau.. RT @natashaattt: klo indo? :0"@I_DConan: Tapi di Jepang ._.v RT @revizkani13: this month!! RT @I_DConan

  5. nga ada apapa.. -_- RT @MarcellaYoung1: Apny??RT@natashaattt: @MarcellaYoung1 yaudaa:|"

  6. cantik kayak ran:) RT @All_DCquotes: #pickone : cantik kaya Ran / ceroboh kaya Eisuke / pinter kaya mimin... *copycat @DConanID*

  7. thanks :)RT @Velicia_Khoswan Followed ;) RT@natashaattt: @Velicia_Khoswan followback:)"

  8. Jdii? RT@natassyaleo: @natashaattt bukan ituuuuu -_____________- salahhhhsss"

  9. that's a fact that i can speak english :bRT @MarcellaYoung1 Mien sok ing bun e la yao so lebay you know iuuuhh... ... http://t.co/oRUFxcwp

  10. RT @BO_DConan "Walau menang atau kalah dalam hipotesa, tak ada yang lebih atas atau bawah.. Sebab kebenaran hanya ... http://t.co/Giq6sGhr

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