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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by ThatLee4

  1. ThatLee4


    I think Borbon is Amuro. So he seems a real interesting character with a weird mission form what we think.( a bit more care free and a little hint of good guy (may be Ai's brother, narr) working with Vermonts personal mission.) Also to add another spin to it I believe Amour/Borbon will have a show down with not only Akai but Takagi because of his connection with Date as the Wataru brothers. As Amour was a reckless guy who was the top at the police training just over Date.(but why BO getting police trianing?) That should be and interesting story. Has anyone else noticed that certain charters who are rivals are opposite but similar and both look like each other in some way? Shuu and Gin (build and long hair when shuu had long hair), Vermont and Jodie(reemeber how tricked we got with who Jodie really was)and some more too. Is it me or does Takagi look like a less stylish Amour without blond hair? (Date commented on this also) And what about Sera and Eisuke. I wonder if he is coming back? Them two are some weird characters. but it all makes a good story with a lot to look forward to. just hope it moves at a good pace. Not too fast not too slow.
  2. I think the boss of the BO is the guy with perfect pitch, where Conan meets that family where the house is set on fire and at the end he ends up in the car with Vermoth, thats when he gets the email address of that guy by the tune. I think the guy looks young sophistocated, disintresed and plays the violin.
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