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Detective Conan World


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Status Replies posted by Ren-kun

  1. I'm just going to say hi... because I can.

  2. How have you been? Idontcareifyoudontrememberme. :P

  3. How have you been? Idontcareifyoudontrememberme. :P

  4. Hi, my brother's utterly convinced that he's Kuroko. Just thought I'd let ya know.

  5. Hi, random fact: I miss and love everyone here. Yes, I'm aware that I'm being cheesy. Shush.

  6. Hi, my brother's utterly convinced that he's Kuroko. Just thought I'd let ya know.

  7. How are ya Phi? Been awhile. :)

  8. Nangagamusta lang XD

  9. How are ya Phi? Been awhile. :)

  10. Nangagamusta lang XD

  11. Back home from Seoul. I miss the cold already. >_<


  13. Nangagamusta lang XD

  14. He's a male... a friend.... a human... a pyromage... *cough* my boyfriend *cough*

  15. Well, champions league it is.

  16. Well, champions league it is.

  17. Worst headache I've had in a long while. Not falling asleep until 4 PM was a bad idea, huh?

  18. For the last time, it wasn't a date! ... I think...

  19. yeah, well, there's reasons I hardly go online. :/ I often sounds rusty. My brain still tired after recover from flu like symptoms.

  20. Maurice wanted to know if if the large popup ads only appear on just the wiki, or just the forum, or the whole site. And on mobile mainly or desktop as well?

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