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Everything posted by Ren-kun

  1. Doing chores with a sprain is exciting.

  2. -bows-

    Yours is better :P

  3. I don't even need to do em... I just volunteer. It's oddly fulfilling lol

  4. Really? I actually like doing chores. Cooking especially. I'm just weird lol

  5. Le cleaning the house and will cook later. haha

  6. This is very interesting. I have a lead now.

  7. Point taken lol


  8. Haha ye. I'm very bored so... yo.

  9. Oooh. I'll refrain from complimenting you much now. :P

    But I have a question, was Hara hit on the back of her head as well? It wasn't specified so I was wondering. lol

  10. Yep. Thrice. Doesn't have 20/20 vision.
  11. Oops... Did I say something wrong? Aha.

  12. Awww. If it makes you feel any better, you're not alone at that.

    I never liked em. I don't get their appeal. I like sour and spicy foods more.

    Btw, I'm reading your case and I must say, you're a genius.

  13. Fruits are awesome. Citrus especially.

    Right? Sweets make me sick.

  14. Will have a go at this soon... when I'm not as cranky XD
  15. Thank you. -bows-

    I've been here since April. I've only started being active recently though so ye, I'm still getting used to it I guess.

  16. I'll only accept it if it's not sweet. I strongly dislike sweets.

  17. Yay approval. I do try.

  18. I know. ;) Searching's just a term to cover that up lol

    My username... or whatever you want.

  19. True that. I have to keep searching. lol

    Rose-chan it is then. (:

  20. Just accept it. It's not a bad thing. Haha.

  21. Awww. I don't feel special anymore D: Haha jk.

    Likewise. Should I call you Wonderstruck or..?

  22. Because we're all fact lovers? :P

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