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Status Replies posted by Ren-kun

  1. It's a mystery why movie trailers make a movie more interesting even when the actual movie sucks :P

  2. Sempai! Did you see the movie 18 spoilers?! Sera's finally going to be in the movie, but like this it's less loved. TT_TT

  3. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

    1. Ren-kun


      Right... cause that's something that people strive to earn. XD

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hey there astraculpa! ^^

  5. Sempai! Did you see the movie 18 spoilers?! Sera's finally going to be in the movie, but like this it's less loved. TT_TT

  6. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

  7. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

    1. Ren-kun


      SO kissing you at the top of your head's not reason enough? :P

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  8. Sempai! Did you see the movie 18 spoilers?! Sera's finally going to be in the movie, but like this it's less loved. TT_TT

    1. Ren-kun


      There's a visual I really didn't need. XD Poor people. They were just catering to the fans!

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  9. Belated happy birthday Calia!

  10. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

  11. Sempai! Did you see the movie 18 spoilers?! Sera's finally going to be in the movie, but like this it's less loved. TT_TT

    1. Ren-kun


      I don't even wanna think about what you would do. XD I'm pretty sure it would involve a lot of painful grunts and moans from the writers though. :P

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  12. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

  13. Sempai! Did you see the movie 18 spoilers?! Sera's finally going to be in the movie, but like this it's less loved. TT_TT

  14. Sempai! Did you see the movie 18 spoilers?! Sera's finally going to be in the movie, but like this it's less loved. TT_TT

    1. Ren-kun


      But surely, it's not the entire plot? It's just a teaser. They would most likely just 'spoil' the climax. ^^

      She wouldn't be a very effective damsel in distress.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  15. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

    1. Ren-kun


      *smells potential death/criminal intent wafting in the air*

      Can't wait to try it. ^^

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  16. Belated happy birthday Calia!

  17. Sempai! Did you see the movie 18 spoilers?! Sera's finally going to be in the movie, but like this it's less loved. TT_TT

    1. Ren-kun


      Is that set in stone already? I don't think they'd have Sera on the movie, who's a fan favorite as far as I can tell, only to get shot. Maybe that'll be in the climax. She could be involved in the investigations beforehand. ^^

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  18. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

  19. Belated happy birthday Calia!

  20. Sempai! Did you see the movie 18 spoilers?! Sera's finally going to be in the movie, but like this it's less loved. TT_TT

    1. Ren-kun


      Less loved? What do you mean? I think it's quite the contrary. Sera would be a huge audience pull.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  21. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

    1. Ren-kun


      That's... interesting. You like torturing people, huh? :P

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  22. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

  23. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

    1. Ren-kun


      How sweet. ^^ Make sure to enjoy them. ^^ Apple tarts are the best. Wait, anything with apples is amazing. And I'm not even fond of sweets. :P

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  24. How do I have a complicated love-life all of a sudden? -_-

    1. Ren-kun


      Her difficulty of saying no is the root of her problem. If she could just say no and get back to writing, then she wouldn't have been venting on here in the first place. I'm sure she's aware of the guys' intentions and the like. Fearing that you might hurt someone's feelings is really consuming. ^^'

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  25. xD We maxed out the number of replies in that status~

    1. Ren-kun


      Yum. Thanksgiving just finished there, right?

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

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