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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by fangirlwhocanspell

  1. Yes, Hard work. But whether it's in stories or real life, always remember, there is only one truth >:]
  2. I think I found you guys a theme song :]
  3. Yes, She's just one lady. The "diamonds" are what her fans are called, there's no backup band. her full name is Marina Diamandis. So you and i are both diamonds. you guys should all check her out!! she reminds me of shinichi and haibara for some reason, they all have this lonely hearts club vibe to them
  4. AHHHHH <3 I love marina too!!! I love her family jewels album, I love electra heart!!
  5. My theory was that Apoptoxin was created as a immortality/youth pill by the black org, and that the whole orginization is centered around it and its successful creation. The project failed though, and it started killing people and leaving no trace, and that's what they started using it as. Flash foward to the amusement park day with Shinichi, where he was hit with a side-effect that the wiki says was a one-in-a-million chance (though I'm not sure whether this information is canon) Now this is what always bothered me about Haibara's character - she broke this suspension of disbelief for me. People dropping dead where ever Conan went? Sure! The same officers every shift? Why not? But if this info is in-universe, it's really not likely that she too would get the side effect, because that would then amp up the chances to one in TWO million, and wow, that's high, almost too high. I'm not being a good detective here because it's not impossible, it's just improbable. Since detective conan is an anime series, i might be looking too much into this but still, maybe this is our link! Those chances are just too low to not eliminate and it's more likely that to survive Apoptoxin you have to have conditions and that it's not a matter of chance. 1. It is specially engineered for the boss (like maybe Vermouth) and Shinichi and Haibara are relatives of her. (which would wreck havoc on some shipping charts now that I think of it) 2. The key to surviving it is a High IQ 3. Something unique about their blood or bodies that the victims share. Here I'll assume that Vermouth is the third victim. Which also makes me propose this: If number three were true, remember that Shinichi also has Ran's blood inside of him. After seeing the Clash of Red and Black, it made me wonder if Gosho would make this plot-relevant. That would be interesting.
  6. hopefully this isn't already brought up but here's another theory i found on tumblr. http://diamonddetective.tumblr.com/post/42820747687/holy-shet It seems pretty plausible.
  7. wow, same here! Hi!!! We are going to have some great times
  8. Hey everybody! I LOVVVEEE detective conan. It's the best. Anyways I've actually joined like a long time ago but I didn't introduce myself or anything. Any koreans in the house, like me?Except I live in canada. It's lovely that we can all join like this in our shared love for a certain manga series. to be honest I don't even really read manga, this is the only one i actually really liked. So now that I've formally done this, i look forward to chatting/typing with all of you !
  9. or Gosho aoyama could set it up like that and make people totally expect him to come back to life but he never does haha. I hope he will write the ending on a piece of paper and hide it or something like that, in case he dies
  10. I'm trying to find that list of detective conan character names in different languages... Help.

    1. CHAMDOR


      you can search it, on wiki :)

  11. (btw, oops) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JUST NO I want it to end so badly...! I have a fear that Gosho will die and we will never have a conclusion!
  12. Yes, we should update this. (btw, I'm new..) I've actually been creepily reading these forums for a while but never adding in. I finally gave in and made an account... Hey, recently, (spoiler)Shinichi has confessed to Ran, THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE have kind of found out who Conan is, Ran suspected Conan's identity again, Haibara is being suspected because she changed back but left the ring on, THE BO SHOWED UP IN 818, and they've hinted that squinty eyed guy is Bourbon.... It feels like DC is really going to climax soon and have an ending... Stuff has been going down lately! Any thoughts?
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