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Detective Conan World

Tantei-chan 8D

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About Tantei-chan 8D

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  • Birthday January 15

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  1. LOL Me too.

    3 books to annotate. *sigh*

  2. Ditto. DX I've got so many school projects to work on. And I'm supposed to be doing them right now... *glances around guiltily*

  3. :D

    I've been really busy. :(

  4. Hey, thanks for the add! :D

  5. Hey! So you're new here? Welcome to DCW! Hope you have fun here. See ya around. :)

  6. Not many people are on-line at this time. :/

  7. Oh. Ah well, now I'm on chapter 51. I'mma go read now. I'm soo excited to find out what happens next. XD How will he get his memories back? Will he ever get them back at all? SQUEE~ SOO excited. XD

  8. Hahaha!! I meant I spent all week reading (I would be lying if I said I finished it all in one day)!! I WISH I read THAT fast. . . But sadly I don't.

  9. O.O "spent all day reading"... meaning you finished it in just ONE day? *faints* I was a VERY fast reader once too. But I was never THAT fast.

  10. Hehehe I've always been a fast reader, but truthfully, it might be because I'm on break so i spent all day reading it. . . Xp

  11. Hehehe I've always been a fast reader, but truthfully, it might be because I'm on break so i spent all day reading it. . . Xp

  12. Finally! Exams are OVER! My brain is BLEEDING from overuse and it'll probably attract zombies or something.... Now I'm recovering by watching and reading Detective Conan. :D

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