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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Wicky

  1. Welcome! SO, how's hectic life going? ;)

  2. Welcome! I know your dark side...

  3. Wicky


    Hey, I'm Wicky, and welcome to DCW! Hmm, you don't seem crazy enough to join here... Gotta smarten up! Just kidding, have a great time here
  4. Bourbon, for the way. He plays tennis, and I play tennis. And he's assome.
  5. I've noticed the term '[insert name]- chan' used a lot. Does it mean friend or something else?
  6. Wicky

    Yeah, enemies, I guess :q

  7. I have to go. G oodbye, my new friends I've made!

  8. Wicky

    Obey your master. :P

  9. Wicky

    I am the only person who can call Rosie cute. Because I'm the one who call her cute. If you call her cute you'll have to put a ** to symbolize my authortiy XD

  10. I like your personality. It's very unknown. XD

  11. ... You're such a nice guy.

  12. Wicky

    Hmm? Are you daring to steal little Rosie away from me? Only I can say she's cute. XP

  13. I only just realized I've only been on here for 2 months... It feels so much longer. I was barely on here in that time, though. Oh and by the way, I'll be on more now! Really, like every two days! :D

  14. Wicky

    Magic Kaito

    It's better than DC manga, in my opinion (!). Just is. I don't know why.
  15. First of, your name is so cute. I plan to call my daughter Rosie, if I have one.

    But I came here to say: That WWE picture in your signature of that woman in the wedding dress, who is she? She's so awesome~

  16. I means weird. Like sending emails to her about stuff that's not even important.
  17. Bye, Phil, even though we never really talked :razz: You will come back, right?
  18. Wicky

    Sorreh for dah late reply, I went away

    Yeahhh, I'm new. I don't come on much though. *awkward* so yeah....

  19. I noticed this. Ever considered the fact that they need more memory?
  20. Wicky


    Is this a debate? I thought debate's were banned from this forum.
  21. Showing the replies to this topic, I don't think there is.
  22. How does reputation thing get higher/lower? Just wondering.

    1. Stopwatch


      You can +1 on people's posts and that adds to people's rep. Not sure how to minus it though...

    2. vawli


      I don't think it minuses but it only adds I think...

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