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Detective Conan World

Kaito Natake

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Everything posted by Kaito Natake

  1. *pokes with a chocolate bar* :mrgreen:
  2. ????? What? @Akai Sera, my sissy: You are: DCW's Most Awesome Person In Existence!!! ^^
  3. I'm....sooooooo......HUNGRY!!! XP

  4. Sissy, are you available to come on this site?...Hello?

  5. I like all of those, but I'm not such a big fan of One Direction. I am the BIGGEST fan of the beatles, though!!!<3 ^^
  6. I like: -Spongebob Squarepants -Detective Conan -Princess Tutu -Mythbusters -Invader Zim -and many more, but I fogot...^u^'
  7. Plenum. What rhymes with hunger? :idea:
  8. I'm still gonna be logged on, but I've gotta go make some food. BRB~~~ ^^

  9. look at the hug poke or high five~

    I posted after you~~~~^^

  10. I still save you even though you didn't save me...:l
  11. A little... How about...a Makoto <3<3<3...fangirl(like me?) :grin:
  12. A pretty doll comes out...then KILLS YOU!!!!! I insert an Akai Sera/Sissy Action Figure...
  13. kon'nichiwaa, DB-senpai!~ ^-^

  14. I just got up...I stayed up late last night doing stuff on here. ^_^'

  15. DCW's Definite-Opposite-Of-A-Baka~
  16. Can someone draw this for me?http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/213/d/f/kaito_kuroba_kid_by_banqkit-d42e7bp.jpg

  17. My name on here or my real name?

    My real name: Devin

    Translated: De Bin

    My name on here: Kaito Natake

    Translated: I have no idea...it won't work right...

  18. kon'nichiwa, DB-senpai!!!~~~~ ^^

  19. Yes. It is quite amazing!~~~

  20. Koto is your name in japanesse acording to google translate~

  21. Shigma. What rhymes with fest? :cool:
  22. Summer Time Gone- detective conan, of course~
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