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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by AmirAminCherif

  1. I Don't Have A Favorite Song.

  2. Big Girls Don't Cry, They Eat.

  3. #ThreeWords Say them and I'm yours. I GOT CHOCOLATE!! @Norawagdi

  4. you're 13 years old, WHY IN HELL WOULD YOU WEAR HIGH HEELS?!?!?!!!!!

    1. Forever Lost

      Forever Lost

      I know ten year olds who do that..

    2. snowflake


      I know third graders who do.

    3. Tantei-chan 8D

      Tantei-chan 8D

      Heh. I find people hard to understand these days...

  5. There's No More Rabbits In My Hat To Make Things Right.

  6. That Moment In Tatbee2 Where All You Do Is Tatneee7.

  7. ساعات بحس اني سائح في بلدي.

  8. Those Hidden Messages People Send.

  9. Howa benesba lel nescafe elli mabydobsh ?!

  10. I'm Bullet Proof, Nothing To Lose.

    1. A L

      A L

      Really? *load .44 magnum*

    2. A L

      A L

      Really? *load .44 magnum*

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