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PhiBrainChild last won the day on September 1 2013

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27 Excellent

About PhiBrainChild

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  • Birthday 09/27/1994

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  1. Yo Phi!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. PhiBrainChild


      Ya didn't hint, but ya did mention him. And ye, I agree. Confidence is cool. Everyone has it over the Internet, so I've decided to join that bunch. Ya should too!

    3. Ren-kun


      Which is still not the equivalent of me telling you you're him. XD I have confidence in and out of the interwebs. I just don't blatantly announce it to people. :)Gotta say, You are one of the coolest people I've met over the internet though.

    4. PhiBrainChild


      Hahaha, well I'll buy it for now. I'm just tryin' to enjoy my time over the Internet. Although, I'm pretty crazy in my real life as well. Ya'd probably die around me... not literally, though. ;)

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