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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by PhiBrainChild

  1. Nope. The correct answer is 3). How about, 1.
  2. I think that almost every country has some swearing words that are "normal", so probably Japan has some too. For example, in America, when something unexpected happens, people usually say "shi*", "fuc*" or "cra*". Or some phrases like "Goddammit". But, if any country is to be popular by the number of swearing words that are "normal", that would be Serbia.
  3. PhiBrainChild


    SMITE is a MOBA brought to you by Hi-Rez Studios. The game focuses on the battles between the gods of several different pantheons, including Greek, Egyptian, and Norse. Players use custom powers and various team tactics in order to defeat both AI and player-controlled opponents in fast paced arena-style action. Balance is the key to success in each battle, and to ensure this, SMITE offers extensive match-making and stat tracking by design. SMITE is a DotA style game, featuring various mythical gods like Zeus and Odin. Players compete in an arena style gameplay, facing off against players and AI controlled characters, seeking to dominate the opposing force. Each character is unique and offers something different during gameplay, so players will need to balance their team in order to succeed. The game uses a third person camera, instead of a traditional 3/4 view to add to the immersive gameplay experience. Official Trailer/Site Has anyone tried it before? If not, be sure to check it out. It's pretty interesting.
  4. Well, the only one from the suspects that could be American would be Allen Walther, the tourist. But, by my deduction,
  5. My thoughts led me in totally different direction this time. Well, this is what happened (from my sight of view of course): Well, this was my first full-time deduction so it probably isn't the correct one and has some holes which I currently can't see. I would be grateful if someone could represent those holes to me. And the whole deduction feels kinda suspicious, counting that before your second part, my line of thoughts was completely different.
  6. You mean, Andre Tudoran's trunk? Because you stated at the beginning that PM md. 63 and PPS-43 were found inside of Chervolet Celebrity. Other than that, if the witness saw the murderer, she had to see the car he put the bag in as well. Did she remember the model or recognized it? Was it Chervolet or not?
  7. Hello, Jewel!

    Thank you for making my profile page more lively. What can PhiBrainChild do for you?

  8. I had something similar in mind, tho not thought out to that extent. But then I got stuck on a thought:
  9. I wish it was 1). The correct answer is 2). I saw a dead body, but I never stated that it was a human body. Let's say, 2. 1) I never bought manga. 2) I held a rifle. 3) I was in a tank.
  10. ...done here, I guess it won't happen again to me.

    And sorry for sending two messages to say one thing. Character limitation.


  11. Hello there. I just saw that you've locked the thread in which someone asked about the site to download RAW Detective Conan episodes. I happened to have an answer so I helped him out mechanically. Tho, guess I'm sorry if I shouldn't help a person in need. I know that those sites are illegal, but that's what he was asking for. Anyway, if that's something that shouldn't be...

  12. Sorry. It's 5 AM here, and I've started to feel a bit sleepy. Other than that, I was just staring at the screen for the past hour and a half, so that strengthened my sleepiness. Talk to you later.

  13. Sure. Good luck with your dishes. I used to be a scout, and once I had the job to wash dishes the whole day, with cold water.

    Don't worry, I'm just bragging.

  14. Hahaha, these guys really had an inspiration.

  15. Of course, by "know" I meant only the basics.

  16. Not really. It's a failure of an AMV that I made about 3 years ago on my old computer that was full with viruses, which gave me additional problems when I was trying to make it. As not to make that an excuse, I wasn't a bit skilled in video editing, and I only knew how to use Windows Movie Maker, so that counts as well.

  17. I tried a couple of things, but ended up nowhere. Do you mind giving a hint? EDIT: I've got it. Well, thanks to another riddle (that's made on the same way) I encountered on another forum. I had a hint there. This is how it is solved: 1) Count the letters. There are 36 letters. 2) Split then into the same number of letter in each part. You'll get this: 3) Read it from top to bottom, and you'll get the following message: "I really wonder who will figure this one out."
  18. I prefer that you don't. You would just waste two minutes and fifty seconds of your life.

  19. There's no "late" here. You answer when you can/want, no time limitation.

    So, don't worry. I won't kill you.

  20. You said "videos", so that means it isn't. Although, I said I wanted to make an AMV, doesn't mean I'm into that stuff. My YouTube has only one very old video, and the name of it is totally unrelated to anything you can see about me here, so there is no way that you could find it. :)

  21. I would say, 2. 1) I solved a real murder case. 2) I saw a dead body. 3) I shot a person.
  22. I advise you to solve that case as soon as possible.
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