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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Maltavite

  1. Hello...

    1. Kiel95


      Doing alright, and yourself? :)

    2. Maltavite


      Drawing some unique arts and making a complex plot for my fanfic.

    3. Kiel95
    4. Show next comments  81 more
  2. RAMIREZ! Put Bling-Bling in your Bang Bang!
  3. Levar hollered "They ain't Busta Organization! They're Northern Navarra aka Wrong Way Assassins!" He opened fire with an AIMS-74. He quickly ran outside.
  4. AK-74 with dual magazine. I'll colored it if I can.
  5. One of the gunner scowled, "Apparently some Russians are buy some guns from these hoodlum in black after Dimitri's death. We just sent some message to Phil. Levar, what do you think, dawg?" Levar scowled, "Black Organization? Looks like we'll call them as Busta Organization instead."
  6. One of them said, "Yo, the FIB was engaging the Mafiosi. It's time to stole the snow without they realizing..."
  7. Well, If i know to how to colored it An 87th crew (Another faction in DCxGTA fanfic)
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