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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Maltavite

  1. That's no 1 for you Elli. 1. I still don't have a girlfriend 2. I good at drawing 3. I rarely get trouble with my friends
  2. Just some fictional shield (Originally, this picture was 3x bigger but it's good). I'll update this every day (I hope...)
  3. I just like the plot. It's interisting However, you may my fanfic which crossover with GTA
  4. This is my first drawing. I know it's not good but enjoy http://s1178.photobucket.com/user/gnfmc/media/Drawing/1.jpg.html
  5. You're right. And for you... 2? 1. I love graffiti 2. I can speak Czech 3. I included gore on my fanfic
  6. Tommorow's my birthday. XD

    1. Ren-kun


      Advanced happy birthday! I hope you'll have your most amazing one yet. ^^

    2. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Gotta be sure to wish you a happy birthday, then!

    3. Lupin of the Heisei Era

      Lupin of the Heisei Era

      advances happy birthday then! :D

  7. Dear anon... Yo, dawg! My birthday just two-dayz away, man! Do ya have any surprise for me? I hope so!] ~ Ari
  8. I need some RP right now.

  9. Yeah, Elli. That's 3 For ya... 2? 1. I always put a huge gunfight in my fanfic 2. I'm scared of heights 3. I'm easily offended
  10. 2... Maybe... 1) I like to add swear words into my fanfic 2) I like Hidemi Hondou 3) I disliked Hood film
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