Lokar's man got a call, "Господине, ваша кућа је испретурано! И шта ког ђавола дешава?" (Sir, your house has been ransacked! And what the hell is going on?) He shrugged, looking at Lokar as he was captured by Erru, "Слушај, ФБИ имају заробили Локар и Саша још на аеродрому! Анд шта је са затвореницима?" (Listen, the FBI have captured Lokar and Sasha still in the airport! And how about the prisoners?)
Lokar's crew shrugged, "С****! Заробљеници имају побегли, а где сте сада?" (S***! The prisoners have escaped and where are you now?) as his man want to speech, he spotted Misaki and he told Lokar's crew, "Па, нашао сам једну од њих. Почистим у кућу и упознајте ме на железничкој дворишту." (Well, I found one of them. Mop up the house and meet me at the train yard) he hangs up the phone and he shouted to his comrades, "Сам добио један од њих! Ухватите је!" (I got one of them! Catch her!)