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Detective Conan World

Aries Bless

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Everything posted by Aries Bless

  1. Here is an idea: Maybe Genta's badge got stuck on Haibara's charm, and then the adult who picked it up found the badge, could see that it could be used as a listening device and jumped to the conclusion that he was being spied on. So he searches for the kids to see 'who they are working for'. Well, the good thing is that no matter what has happened to the badge, Conan can track it - unless it has run out of batteries.
  2. If Elena and Mary were sisters, then maybe the 'sister from outside the domain' was a reference to it. If Mary wasn't aware of Elena's death, but knew of her project, she might have thought that Conan/Shinichi knew Elena. So 'the younger sister from outside the domain' might mean 'Elena's sister, who is not involved in her circle,' or 'Elena's sister from outside Japan', or 'Elena's sister, who hasn't been in her life for years.' Perhaps Mary, like Elena, met her husband in Japan while studying.
  3. There are two thing, that I have thought about. I once saw an episode in a crime series, where two hotel rooms in New York was connected with a door. Maybe Kohji's room and Amanda's room also were connected. I think what happen was, that Kohji was in the bathroom in Amanda's room, when he happened to witness the murder of Amanda. The killer didn't knew that Kohji was in the bathroom, which gave Kohji a opportunity to take a pair of scissor and use the water and mirror to create the message. Then he tries to escape to his own room, when he thought the killer is distracted for a moment, but the killer sees Kohji and follows him to kill him.
  4. Well, if we consider that Shukichi grew up in England, until he was 11, it's possible that he might began saying Mary-Oka-san, because back, when he started living in Japan, he wasn't used to the japanese language, and it just became a habit for him to say Mary-Oka-san.
  5. At the picture of Asaka, it seems like the ring finger is longer than the index finger. So it seems likely that Asaka is a male. But if it's a woman who just has a longer ring finger, then maybe Conan can use it as some sort of identification.
  6. We don't know if they send someone to investigate Hotta or not, just because there weren't any BO-member in Hotta murder case. But they were aware that Hotta had claimed he had information and later they learned of his death. It could suggest that they were keeping an eye on him. Maybe they had a spy in the tv-station. Since Hidemi Hondou (Kir) worked there, it's possible there were more members there. And the dying message is believed to be ASACA RUM. And it wasn't Hotta who saw Asaka with a mirror. Hotta had found out that someone saw Asaka with a mirror.
  7. A thought just came to me. The argument between Itakura and Vermouth (Sharon Vineyard) happened three years ago, and since Itakura's diary cover the last five years, it might be possible that he might have written in his diary what the argument was about.
  8. I think it's a bit weird with this Okita (Shinichi-look-alike). Do you think this is going to be a gender-confused case? You know since there are seperate toilets. And also it a bit weird that someone would speak about getting rid of a murder weapon in front of someone. Even if the witness is blind and didn't know what was going on.
  9. Well, I have also consider that it might be a glass piece, not yet seen, that could give the message a Whole new meaning.
  10. A part of the shape (the upper part) of what is inside Rumi's pocket is a bit similar to a shogi piece. But I can't explain what the lower part is.
  11. I have heard that heat can make a dead body sit up. Maybe the victim was already dead, and his push-ups was a trick that was accomplished by heat. Don't you find it strange that the victim didn't scream when the fire started to burn the tent?
  12. Well, Rei would have to rapport Conan's connection to the FBI.
  13. Perhaps Haibara's sense can only react to members with connections to her and her family. Vermouth - might have been a test subject to the research done by the Miyano. And it seems that she knows Sherry personally. Gin - Knows Sherry personally. Bourbon - Knew Akemi and the Miyanos. Subaru/Akai - Akemi's lover and personal acquaitance of Sherry. I can't recall if there was any time, where Haibara reacted to a member, who, as we know, wasn't connected to the Miyano Family. As for DCUniverseAficionado's question to me, I'm just curious about Kuroda's interest in Conan. I hope to see more of that.
  14. I wonder if Kuroda is looking at case files concerning the 17 year old murders or a website. Would that mean that the website is up again? Or is Kuroda the one behind it? But I doubt he is the type to desperatly call out for help online. I do agree that he knows Wakasa Rumi, judging on his comment on 'not like her'. But I would like to see if Kuroda tries to pressure Conan into showing how smart he is, like Heiji tried to do in the Mycroft Case (V. 12-13).
  15. It seems to me, that Rumi is afraid of something connected to an artificial eye. Maybe she is suffering from a trauma.
  16. I like this one. This is going to be interesting. I like to see how Kuroda and Conan interact with each other. I want to know how much does Kuroda know about Conan.
  17. 'Eri Kisaki Victim' could mean two thing. - They are former clients of Eri, who lost their cases and blames Eri for it. - Or they could be clients of the opponents in her cases who lost, because Eri and her clients won.
  18. If it does have something with RUM to do, I can only think of that RUM had it set up to test Kogoro's detective skills.
  19. Since Momiji comes from Kyoto, I wonder if this movie is going to have flash-back to the movie 'Crossroads in Ancient City'.
  20. Maybe Amuro's request to Conan on keeping his identity silent has something to do with Heiji's father being boss of Osaka Police.
  21. I'm not believing in 'the Mystery man is the Akai father'-theory, but I have thought about it. If it is true, then maybe he was following Conan, because he somehow knows of Akai Shuichi's suppose death and knows that Conan was involved and is trying to find out more. Maybe he butts in the Friday 13th-conversation is because the day of Akai's 'death' was on a Friday 13th and he is trying to see how Conan reacts.
  22. Maybe the mystery man is the person who uploads info on the Haneda Koji murder case.
  23. It's quite interesting. I don't think that Gosho Aoyama has ever done this before, making a name box with ???-signs. Could this be a sign that we have to keep a eye on this guy? I have given the idea of Wakita being Rum some thoughts. He could be spying on Kogoro, because of what Gin said about Kogoro being a demon that might need to be finished off. But if he was Rum, then why would he be in the sushi restaurant, when the organization already had Bourbon close on Kogoro? Maybe to view Kogoro himself?
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