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Detective Conan World

Yoyo Illuser

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Everything posted by Yoyo Illuser

  1. You know what I realized? Conan and Haibara have to be a big influence on the Detective Boys, there is no way they act like 6-7 year olds any more...

    1. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      I forget how un6-7 the DB are until I meet real 6-7 year olds. They were really advanced for their ages though to begin with, even Genta.

    2. Yoyo Illuser

      Yoyo Illuser

      Ayumi seems the most normal of a child between them all, and even she is far more advanced than any regular 6-7 year old. I sweat Mitsuhiko is going to be a detective or a scientist as he gets older, the boy is just too smart for his age!

  2. *Sighs* I wish more people chatted in the pairing threads, so I can post pics and content I have without double posting...

    1. Lovestruck


      Not only Pairing threads;Everything is haunted nowadays.

    2. Sakila


      @Kitsucchan: By double posting, I think she means the other kind...Well, I mean she doesn't "suffer" from it, exactly.

    3. Yoyo Illuser

      Yoyo Illuser

      No I don't suffer from it, I mean I wish the forum wasn't so quiet so that I wouldn't have to double post in order to get things moving...But thank you for the comments^^

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  3. I cannot stop laughing! Current favorite fanfiction quote, as thought by Mistuhiko: "Books don't need to be refrigerated."

  4. Episodes 286-288 hun^^
  5. *Taps cheek with index finger* Well, I was very familiar with the glomp, I'll give you that. Mainly it's because I'm quite the over-emotional person, but glomps are very fun, and really express how happy you are to see someone.

  6. I found Sato to be very fitting, it was nice^^

    Well, dislike is such a light word...And now I'll leave it at that. *Smiles* I'm sure there are other pairings we agree on though.

    We should try pms some time, so we are not limited by a certain amount of letters.

  7. Greetings AL-kun! Wonderful to meet you^^ To be honest no, my name is not about an interest in yoyo's, although I do find them fun. I'm not particularly good at using them. My nickname is from my junior high years, and my friends gave it to me as I was/am a bouncing and all around person. It's stuck with me for many years now. Sorry for the long winded explanation there...

  8. First I have to say that I was honored when you picked Sato as me in the "Which DC Character is the Person Above You?" thread. It was very moving^^

    I'm not sure what other nickname to give you though, so Ren-kun it is!

    As for Conan/Ai...Um, There is not enough words to describe my um, thoughts on that pairing. Just not enough. Is there an actual messenger on this site?...

  9. Thank you both for such nice comments^^ I only hope I can continue to do well with chapter two...
  10. And you'd be Ren-kun, correct?

    There is nothing wrong with being evil, especially if you can justify your actions^^

    Thank you for the comment/kindness towards my fic! It means a lot to hear that it's not so bad. I'm having trouble with chapter 2 though sadly, I can't come up with an alias name that's clever for Mitsuhiko.

  11. That's perfectly alright^^ I enjoy when people are chatty, it's a lot of fun, but DCW seems to be pretty quiet lately. I wonder why?

    As for what to call me, feel free just to call me Yoyo, that's what everyone does. It's been my nickname for 12 years~

  12. I'd personally have to say OVA 9, as I have an unhealthy obsession with older Mitsuhiko...*Coughs*
  13. I rather like it^^ It's really an original idea, and you should post up for everyone to read.

  14. Kill them with kindness is totally a good motto, I agree!^^

    So far, when I first started liking Mitsuhiko/Ai, I found that there was no one around that would consider it, and now it's like completely canon. But, to each their own.

    I'd like it very much if you'd give my fic a chance^^ It's been years since I've written and this is my step back into fanfiction.

  15. Inspiration, where did you go? I want to write the second chapter...

  16. *Walks in dragging a large cardboard box* Well, the last thread I was in had to have some sweeping done, but this one just needs some tender loving care! I'm just the crazy fanatic OTP shipper to step right in and toss some love around~ It's a little sad to see it at only 4 pages, considering it does appear to be THE Shinichi/Conan x Ran thread. *Shakes head* Tsk tsk tsk. I'm quite disappointed in that. But, I'd love to get this thread up and running again with pics, videos, and conversation! Erm...If it's alright... I guess I'll start sharing some stuff^^ *Dumps out cardboard box* First off here some absolutely stunning AMV's I've found. A cute love AMV This AMV makes me cry every time I watch it, seriously. It is so beautiful... Okay, Now I'll dump a bunch of pictures here^^ Last, I believe one of my favorite ways for Ran and Shinichi to completely confess to each other is if they're in a situation where Shinichi cannot, in any manner, get out of it. For instance when he was transforming back into Conan and Ran refused to let go of his sleeve. It'd be a situation like that, either changing into Conan or from Conan, and Ran is holding him, clutching him, and watching it happen. Shinichi would try to explain himself, try to say something, but she'd just pull him close and their lips would lock. In the end, I don't think words will be needed between them, Shinichi and Ran are far past that.
  17. @OTTD Player: Awwwww, I liked my conclusion...*Chuckles* If it were the other way around, I think Shinichi would go stock raving mad trying to clean up all the messes going on. Crime already seems to happen every day, all day, when it comes to him being around. Having people jumping about with AK's, as well as Niko Bellic....He'd probably either retire or end up sadly doing something stupid and getting shot. I don't think the world of DC is ready for GTA IV...
  18. So tired, yet the inspiration! *Flails arms at the ceiling*

  19. Thank you again^^ *Bows* You have such the kindest things to say~

    I can see that Mitsuhiko/Ai is well received here, which is a taste of fresh air from a lot of what find. Considering I just put up my first DC fic too. A bit worried about that...

    You know, I really enjoy this forum already, people are so wonderful, and I love how chatty they all are!

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