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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Dick75

  1. I call in a nuke using my connections as the president of the united states then I plant a flag on my hill.
  2. Dick75

    corrupted wish

    granted but it's all in klingon so you don't know what they're saying or you do, do you speak klingon? I wish IdentityUknown could speak klingon.
  3. then their eyes would explode what if you gained 50 pounds after reading this?
  4. I didn't even know this existed . . . well hello Mohorovicic

  5. I make a complicated plan that involves bees and murder. Anyway you die from the plan I have a hell of a time clearing the bees off of my hill.
  6. Someone who doesn't have too hahahaahahahaha. Someone who doesn't like taking notes.
  7. Then we wouldn't be here. What if you could jump a hundred feet?
  8. 48. Try and figure out if we're doing the before you die thing still.
  9. Dick75

    corrupted wish

    Granted but he now plays a more annoying song. I wish I could do all the things I want to do.
  10. One thing that always bvothers me about detective shows is how the detective is always tipped off by some random conservation. It's like he's talking with a friend the friend says, "I can't wait to get tot he diner I'm going to get a grilled cheese sandwich." Then the detective gets that I just sovled the murder look on his face and says, "Grilled cheese!" like it's a damn revelation.

    1. Stopwatch


      Ah, the Eureka moment, there's a TV tropes page on that. (The 'Grilled Cheese' thing is hilarious though) ;)

  11. Dick75

    corrupted wish

    Granted but you get new problems for the rest of your life, like the rest of us. I wish I was a kid again.
  12. After much deliberation I come up with a plan that's as elegant as it is clever. I throw a grenade on the hill and it blows you up. I climb up and proudly proclaim, "This is my hill!"
  13. Then they would be rotten you should throw them out, my cousin once ate a blue orange and next day . . . herpes. True story. What would you do if you solved a murder but the murderer was your mother?
  14. No I don't like dogs . . . allergies. It's not their fault but they started it. Someone who doesn't have a very good cell phone.
  15. back to work, hooray :(

  16. not even a little someone who likes detective conan (I'm getting a yes out of somebody!)
  17. 44. I would light things on fire.
  18. Dick75

    corrupted wish

    Granted but you earn it in a illegal way. You do not enjoy prison life. I wish Aeyra was out of prison.
  19. Is it because he thinks we're going to die?
  20. sure, they're easy to trick someone who loves marshmallow
  21. 39. Put a hat on everyone who doesn't have one.
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