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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Dick75

  1. My list goes as follows in order of greatness 1- Welcome to the NHK (if you watch it you'd understand) 2- FLCL (for obvious reasons) 3- Golden Boy (The quintessential harem show) 4- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzuyima (Just Me a loose association of people and the nation of japan on this one) 5- Tentai Senshi Sunred (Funniest show ever! EVER!)
  2. What do I do? I either laze around, surf the net, watch anime, or work on one of my many projects (By projects I don't mean like schoolwork I mean like things I want to do) my projects mostly invovle writing in which I'm working on several stories. I was thinking of losing weight though, so I figured I would start doing crack until I lose like 50 pounds then (and this is key) I would stop doing crack.
  3. That's because the whole thing with him going to the future and being in high school was a dream caused by the drugs so it didn't have to make sense. He didn't actually go to the future.
  4. I liked it it was interesting the mystery was a bit to easy though. It seemed like they just really wanted to work in the BO for the movie but it worked. and now there's another movie out in a year which is always good.
  5. Well Hiabara still being part of the BO isn't completely uncalled for. I imagine if he's caught they'll just kill everybody they don't need a bunch of kids running around who know about them even if it's not believable they can still be a problem look at conan.
  6. Dick75


    That's damn good . . . well played le vanille . . . well played.
  7. There's magic in it not illusions magic magic that's just weird.
  8. I would like him to tell her I'm sure she can keep a secret so I'm not sure what the big deal is. I say he should just tell her.
  9. It was joke man relax. As for why Shinichi hasn't caught him it's because he can't. Conan figures out his plans when they're pretty much over. Kid is smarter than him maybe not by a lot but by enough.
  10. Well thanks for the compliment DCF you're awesome as well and hey it's alright if you don't like Kid to be honest his manga kind of sucked so I don't think he's good on his own but as rival I think he's alright. (Touching music plays as Dick75 and Detectiveconanfan hug in front of sunset.)
  11. Though if he started the organization to train or test his son that would pretty hilarious.
  12. The reason he's arrogant is that he can't be caught. He's proven himself time and time again. You may be sick of him but the fact remains that in the conan universe he's the greatest thief ever.
  13. That's a pretty bad reason to start an evil organization that does evil things throughout the world. Why don't we say he had his son after the black organization was instituted.
  14. Rene (I'm going to call you Rene unless you tell me not too) the next time someone tells you anime is just for kids make him Bible Black that'll shut him up.
  15. I like Kaitou kid because he's awesome and he has a gun that shoots playing cards. I don't think I have explain any further than that. I also Like Richard I forget his name in Japanese but he's cool because he makes me laugh and he has no problem hitting someone elses kid.
  16. Heiji it is! Also Richard. Now that I've gone ahead and mentioned Richard. I've often felt that Richard much like Conan was also a victim of the Black organization. Like he was this great detective when suddenly the black org got to him and now he's the man he is today, Perhaps. I just thought of a cool person to be the president of the Black Organization and the new person I suspect because it would be awesome, Shinichi's Father. I forget his name, but yeah that would be the shit.
  17. Dick75


    I also thank DCTP if I knew anything about fansubbing I would offer my services to them. I hope they sub movie 13 soon.
  18. Yes Chiba . . . . . *I know who that is and you don't need to tell me at all.* Why would believe Megure to be leader of the MIB?
  19. I get my name from a rather traumatic event in my life. I don't mind talking about it. When I was ten years old me and my friend were kidnapped by some thugs I don't know what they wanted but giving us back didn't seem to be on their mind. Things looked bleak and I found myself searching for whatever answer I could find. In my darkest despair a demon approached me out of everyone's sight. In exchange for my soul he would save me and my friend. I took the deal wanting to save her above all else. The demon took over my body and killed all the thugs. I awoke after the murderous trance covered in blood, after that she didn't really want to talk to me. We lost touch and 5 years later the demon returned for the soul he had been promised. I didn't intend to fight him but I resented the demon for making me an object of cruelty and for scaring away my friend. I learned of a way out of the contract. If I fulfilled the demon's wish I would be free to go. I asked the demon what he desired and with a smile he told me that if I brought him a large portion of his favorite food he would set me free. Well you guys can fill in the rest. He said knowing everyone knew he was kidding.
  20. Vineland, New Jersey It's surprising how many of the people here are around the same area. I don't love it here by the way.
  21. Awesome so japanese people agree with me. Alright just to be different I know believe Inspector Megure to be the leader of the men in black and I base this on absolutely nothing.
  22. I'm beginning to think there's no way back. Shinichi will just have to grow up and look younger than Ran.
  23. Well I've loved Detective for a while now I think it's a great show albeit a bit long it'd be nice to see the ending but whatever I'm a patient man. In any case pleasure to meet fellow fans.
  24. To be fair DC has been around for quite some time so some people grew up watching it, but personally speaking, I'm 23 by the way, I like detective shows in general. I'd love nothing more than to solve a mystery and I've made my peace with the fact that someone would have to die for me to do that, the point being a good mystery show is a good mystery show regardless of how old you are. People were obsessed with Sherlock Holmes too, Conan and me included, people wore armbands in mourning when he died in a book. It's just something people can get into.
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