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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kjeldahl

  1. Throw rocks at you :3 What would you do if I invited you to join my Evil Council?? Not implying that I have one already >.>
  2. Can it be that our awake self might be a dream of another version of our sleeping self in some other timeline..?

    1. Kjeldahl


      Its just an elementary biological process, why do people fuss about it so much? -_-

    2. PhiBrainChild
    3. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      And if a strange transfer student suddenly comes to your school, heed her advice...or not, and become the god of the universe.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  3. I would drink iced tea What would you do if your school is on fire?
  4. Sonoko is the heir of a rich corporation, wouldn't her being in danger more likely than Ran?
  5. I would not go there. Slacking off isn't my style What would you do if you saw your crush at a public place alone???
  6. I feeeeel good :3 What annoys you the most?
  7. Poacher. What does 'Goldfish' rhymes with?
  8. Wow I am blind xD What would you do if an annoying guest wants to live in your house for a another week?
  9. Grab the person who was burning you and burn with him/her to oblivion D: What would you do if you saw a Million Dollar lottery on the Ground?
  10. Well I don't like to wear pants, the society forces me. Do you sing or dance while taking a shower?
  11. A character that looks like me and is the main character of an Anime that I like to call 'My Life' :3
  12. I am just very experienced and YOUNG!!!! D:
  13. I sometimes pretend that I am a main character of an anime who after a long day of work, dropped on his bed with fatigue. Makes me sleep quicker..
  14. I found out that I fell in love with myself again...
  15. My mother is my father's brother niece's sister's aunt. Who am I ? O_O
  16. Yesssss, I need a Kitkat break :3 If you have an option of killing 1 person without ever getting caught, who would it be?
  17. I get it thats a trick question! 1. If you meant a Lion that is fond of eating Humans, I would run till I find a River, then swim across it and escape from Danger. 2. If you meant a Human that is fond of eating Lions, I would take him to the nearest Psychiatrist. What would you do if you saw a really big spider in your room?? D:
  18. Know. What does 'Mirror' rhymes with?
  19. Blizzard What does "Lipstick" rhymes with?
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