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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kjeldahl

  1. Beer-chan was there for me when no one else was ;______;
  2. You need some God, you need me D:
  3. YAY I LOVE MY GIFT! Thank you MeitanteixX Anything where people die is my favorite thing :3
  4. Woah you got bored in just a single day.. :o

  5. Thank you :] Imagining just gives me the Adrenaline Rush which is not enough!! D:
  6. 10 years later, I'll be more God than before D:
  7. I want to kill everyone, then kill myself with the satisfaction of knowing everyone is dead.
  8. My college is the only college in the world that doesnt provide Wifi or Christmas holidays.

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie


      i can think of two

    2. phantomlady1101


      - Birthday

      - Kaitou Kid

      - Height


    3. Kirsch


      You have my condolences...

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  9. Whoever is my Secret Santa, my name is spelled Kjeldahl xD Also can I modify my wishlist? :3
  10. Kjeldahl

    Depression Club

    Today is the day, I got life-long membership of this Depression Club. *Pops a bottle of Champagne and breaks it on head and hopes to die*
  11. Cyanide Meaning : General term used for any organic compound having -CN as a functional group. Fact : Cyanide poisoning can indeed be cured using Nitrite Therapy, commonly Sodium Nitrite. (PS. I love this idea xD)
  12. Kjeldahl

    DBZ Battle of Gods

    They ruined Vegeta's character for me forever. ;__________;
  13. Frozen , also I am in love with Elsa <3
  14. Happy birthday! Is your name what I think it is? :3

  15. My list :- MeitanteiSnow Astraculpa Thats it, I've only been here for an year :3 Others are too but they're not from DCW. There was this person named Flux, that person was mystery in its purest form. Nothing annoys me more than an unfinished puzzle ;____;
  16. Omg somebody say something, its turning into a dead forum!! D:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. anonymously anonymous

      anonymously anonymous

      @PL1101: But you came up with it didn't you?

      @kjeldahl: sorry ... your post became a chat room ^~^"

    3. Cocoa


      I may have returned only shortly ago, but I won't let this forum die. :0

      As long as someone is still with me. XD

    4. anonymously anonymous

      anonymously anonymous

      I will try my best as well ^^

    5. Show next comments  21 more
  17. Hakuba wins. Red eyes, chocolate hair with Sherlock Holmes getup *-* Also got a Falcon :3
  18. You know you're a Detective Conan fan, when people stare at you and thinks 'this kid knows his shit good'. xD
  19. No one is going to come to your house and make you dreams come true.. -Grant Cardone
  20. Psycho-Pass : Full on thriller with sci-fi beauty!! xD
  21. Hi, I am your daily stalker Kjeldahl. Enjoy the forums and your life!
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