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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Shinxran9111

  1. Yeah, I agree with Shada-chan! Since Ran doesn't know Haibara, she can't compare the similarities..
  2. I want to Ran for a day, so I can be good at karate, and cooking.

    1. Moonlit Flower

      Moonlit Flower

      I want to be Conan for a day so I can have both cuteness and intelligence at the same time. But then I feel like being Kaito for a day so I can play tricks on the police. (That's always fun! xD) But it wouldn't be bad to be Ran for a day. I really need to know how to cook good, and do awesome karate moves! ^-^

    2. s-b11119


      I want to be Akai so I must call somebody to kill me...hhhhh

    3. Shinxran9111


      i would be Conan too!! Not to sure about being Akai, many people want to kill him

  3. His birthday is May 4th, that was a loooong time ago, It's October.......
  4. I hate science HW, except forensics.......

    1. Akazora


      I wish I took forensics in some form, because science homework is a pain. Doesn't help I'm taking two AP science classes either, I guess.

    2. Shinxran9111


      ouch, must be rough.. I wish so too, I don't like my science HW

  5. I have not watched the 18th movie yet! help me pls!!

    1. Shinxran9111


      I did already, i'll just wait and wait. Hopefully they'll have it subbed soon.

    2. anonymously anonymous

      anonymously anonymous

      Subbed? In what language?

      The English subs are all ready and out

    3. s-b11119


      Just watch it it's amazing

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. to the person below: DC WILL NOT END!!!

    1. Moonlit Flower

      Moonlit Flower

      Yes. Let it keep on going and on going and on going and on going and on going and on going and... Well, yeah let's hope it will last for a while longer. xD! (lol)

      Even if the series ends soon, I will always cherish it. (Detective Conan will always have a special place in my heart. I'ts a very good anime. :) )

    2. Shinxran9111


      I think so too!!! I will always cherish it. ;)

  7. i want a romantic moment between Ran and Shinichi!!!

    1. Rye


      Try watching the London arc! I promise you'll love it!

    2. muslimandproud conanfan

      muslimandproud conanfan

      Is it an episode of DC or anoter anime ?

    3. Shinxran9111


      I love the London arc!! So romantic! I was like "finally!" Hahahaha. And it's a series of episodes, people call it the london arc ;)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. In Thailand!! Watching DC

    1. muslimandproud conanfan

      muslimandproud conanfan

      Awesome. When I traveled to any other country, I did not have internet.

    2. Shinxran9111


      ouch, I'm sorry ;( But at least you have more time sightseeing. ;)

  9. I am going to the airport!! not fun... T-T

    1. Nara-chan
    2. A.Haibara


      @Kirsch: So jealous! I wanna go to the Japanese airport someday~

    3. Shinxran9111


      The Japan airport is AWESOME!!! I just don't like going to the airport, because it's so boring!!! I have no internet.... so I download Conan episodes and watch it in my computer hahahaha

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. yeah everybody asks that, Conan is scared that if he tells her, she will treat him differently and she will carelessly call him by his real name. he is also unsure of how she will react when he tells her, because he is scared if Ran will hate him.
  11. wow!!! (claps) that's really good! I agree with everyone, the eyes are really great on each one!
  12. Mostly, I think it's okay, it depends on what episodes you are talking about.
  13. summer time!!!! watch dc!!!

    1. Nara-chan


      It'snot summer here :VV

    2. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      Summer time goooone~

    3. Shinxran9111


      @boring-freak, That's one of the openings!!! :D I love that song

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  14. At school, but still thinking about DC!

  15. Wow, they just did the 17th movie, now they're already working on the next movie. Well, this movie should be interesting. will Ran be in danger again?
  16. Yeah, my birthday tomorrow!!

  17. Happy Valentine's day people of DCW!

  18. Happy 2014!!! A little late, but still!

    1. Jeremy-tantei
    2. Shinxran9111


      hey, long time no talk. How r u doing?

  19. not in bed yet, changed profile pic. Go HOA

    1. Shinichi Kudo forever

      Shinichi Kudo forever

      where do you disappear all the time Jen!!! ???

    2. Shinxran9111


      Hheheheh, no where I guess. My life is pretty busy, I don't get to come to DCW often.

  20. dead tired now... I am going to sleepZZZzzzz

  21. wide awake at about midnight, NOT TIRED!

  22. I am beat..ZZZZZZZZZZZZ -_-zzzzzzz

  23. Banned ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban.................. BANNED B-A-N-N-E-D! Ha, I win
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