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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Unul

  1. If someone here has twitter, facebook, skype, or etc, just give me the name. I will add you as a friend. I just want to feel closely to detective conan fans all over the world:) Thank you:)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      You know....there are members who don't want to give out their account names here, where every single member and guest can see. So why don't you ask them in a PM?

    3. Unul


      Ohh nope thankyou:-)

    4. Alpha the Errorist
  2. Any indonesian here?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Unul


      iya bener sekalian bljr english jg hihi. tp aku takut gt dianggep weird grgr grammar acak2an bgt hahaha

    3. Unul


      iya bener sekalian bljr english jg hihi. tp aku takut gt dianggep weird grgr grammar acak2an bgt hahaha

    4. Lupin of the Heisei Era

      Lupin of the Heisei Era

      hahaha, gakpapa, setidaknya mereka ngerti

      grammarku juga acak2an :B

      ngomong2, long time no see!! kemana aja? sibuk ya :P

      oh iya! aku baru2 aja buat fb hehe, mungkin kita bisa berteman :B

  3. I'm indonesian, and I'm sorry if you have problem with my grammar. Please kindly hope your respect hehe^^ by the way, any indonesian here?
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