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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by premiumemo

  1. Well Prepone my Japan Trip..? What would you do if you became the Queen of Ants..
  2. Its a tough job reviving threads...
  3. Blasts it with a Shotgun..! Throws the usable parts... xP
  4. Lorry... What does Apology rhymes with..?
  5. Dear Anonymous I know you're angry, but I will never stop trying... You may not forgive me, but atleast talk..? Please..? ~Premium
  6. Ou...! Hmm... BFFFs : Zubiya, Lyka, Nur, Shion BFFs : AL, Ren, Rye, Rukia... FFs : Almost Everyone..! People I m in love with : Moho, Sodium, Maurice... Lol jk Everybody on DCW is so soo soooooooooooooooo awesome
  7. Dear ct, Pow pow *jumps* Piu pou *smiles* Pou pou *tounge out* ~ur puppy
  8. Found out, that a friend is way too valuable to be substituted, not even with your own life... <3
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