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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by premiumemo

  1. :3 I m not getting tortured, I am enjoying this..!
  2. Secret : I once did walling while playing Counter Strike on Server... After that they kicked me off the server... :3
  3. Happy Oriental New Year..! (I m not oriental though... )
  4. ...how much we are hurting others blaming our pain. Words are like...
  5. I made it till the end of your spoiler boxes.. :')

  6. "You are officially nominated for the Nobel Prize on spoiler opening"... YESS..!! Thanks 'Modern Holmes' ;):)

    1. astraculpa


      Unfortunately, getting on PC will take much longer than I expected. :(

    2. astraculpa


      St. John's in Bacolod? I don't know anyone from St. John's except my former teacher who transferred there perhaps :/

    3. astraculpa


      I'll try to find someone in St. John's. How did you know him/her?

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  7. ...takes the world farther than its capabilities. Let it go...
  8. Oi..! You miscounted..! Nevermind 10456
  9. ...every thing comes to an end eventually. Everyone deserves...?
  10. ^xP Lol Farm..? But currently you should be in a pokeball..? :3
  11. Duh.. i Dnt like Birthdays... and mine is coming once again.. :3 -_-

    1. premiumemo


      As i read that i realised the same..

      *rushes to you ID*

      *adds as friend*

      Oi..! Done..! :)

    2. premiumemo


      Yay..! So its going to be posted soon i guess.. :D

    3. premiumemo


      xP Lol, your wish.. xD

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  12. Dear Someone I am the wise old man and only have a small black mustache.. xP AL, Yay..! Japan here we come.. *_* (btw awesome both o'u.. ) ~POM xP xD
  13. Dear Mr Worldwide... Y r u so addictive..! *_*

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