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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by premiumemo

  1. Yes it was #2... And yours... :3 Maybe #2... 1. I like The Big Bang Theory damn too much... 2. Speaking like Yoda, I like...(SW) xP 3. I hate Spock... (ST)
  2. Panda..! xP What rhymes with Petrology..?
  3. Chameleons... Shave or Trim..?
  4. Tab... Noodles or Pasta..?
  5. Lanterns... Learner or Preacher..?
  6. Banned for having such an awesome signature... *_*
  7. Umm... Not really... Is passionate bout themselves..?
  8. Turtle... What rhymes with Almirah..?
  9. Facepalm... What's the point of my thinking..? wasn't I the one to ask at the first place..?x_x Addicted... Is tall..?
  10. Novels : Less Comics : Day starts wid em and ends wid em... Is pretty..?
  11. Race against time to complete it... What would you do if Sky starts to Fall..?
  12. Sanity... What does Board rhyme with..?
  13. Be Best for Use till I reach the Expiry Date... :3 What would you do if Shinichi came out of Television..?
  14. okok... DCWs Upcoming Manga Artist...
  15. Umm... Nope... :3 Do you wake up when your Alarm calls..?
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