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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by premiumemo

  1. If a meteor comes and hits the Earth tangentially with a velocity which might cancel out the force applied by our earth during rotation and thus making the earth coming to halt... Yup, I guess... Is it possible there are aliens..?
  2. O.o Anyways, welcome/welcome back..! Hope you enjoy your time with us... And please do stay active...
  3. Idk, I'll enquire in the local market... It I get I'll parcel it... Is it possible I could fly...
  4. C'mon,how bad could you be... Though I rarely make expectations... What would you do if you have one last call to make before you die...
  5. Gel pen... Though I use Ball Pen mostly... Penguin or Wallrus..? xP
  6. Now that you mention it... Yes, I guess I am... Ice Or Chilled Water..?
  7. All Hail Dr Sheldon Cooper..! xD

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      i guess you watched the new one

  8. Dear Anonymous, I am sorry not being able to stand upto your expectations... I was there by your side always but didn't really cared to feel my presence... Hope you never have to go through what I went through... Take Care.. M still by your side if you need me...
  9. I wish all wishes won't remain wishes forever...
  10. Best at it... Prem Memorizer available at just $5.99... How many times have you given up on things you love..?
  11. 180 cm... About to reach 6 feet... Oopsie... Do you like the windy weather..?
  12. *blushes* *catches Ran* *throws Strawberries*
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