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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Nara-chan

  1. Awwww! I wanted to talk about Operation: Secret Secret Santa!!K
  2. Yayyyyyy!!!! A treat from Marks and Spencers
  3. Yay! So now we need more member of TGBC!!
  4. That's good! Zubat-saaaaaannnnn, what about you?
  5. If you're a true member, even from 50 meters, you can break windows!
  6. Another John Green reader!!!! ))) "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities" -Peter van Houten, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
  7. I smilec because astra complimented me!
  8. Yayyyyy!!!!! Our first task is to break all the windows of our houses!
  9. *means KtPT, right?* I wish....Zubat is still there, preparing for Cookie War
  10. a. Sad End After a confrontation with the BO, some member is preparing to kill Conan, when Haibara intercepts. As she dies, she tells Conan stuff ("Tell the kids I moved..", "The antidote is blah blah blah..") BUT she does not tell him she loves him (obvious ShinRan fan here) I BEG YOU GOSHO DO NOT MAKE THIS ENDING COME TRUE! b. Happy End Haibara, free from the terror of the BO, remains the size of an elementary school student since she has no one to return to as Shiho Miyano. She still lives with Hakase, and often advises Shinichi (who has grown back for good!)
  11. Nara-chan

    Random Thought

    It is cool, although it's in a Spoiler box..
  13. "Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the different branches of Arithmetic: Ambition, Distraction, Uglification and Derision." -The Mock Turtle, Alice in Wonderland.
  14. Dear CON, Yes! It's Christmas break! -Nara
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