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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Nara-chan

  1. I don't do stuff with onion heads attached to them :V Make my pixel art less ugly and messy, please?
  2. ^ 6th one < I hate myself v Senpai, is that you?!
  3. Nara-chan

    World Cup 2014

    They're 9GAG, actually. You can see it on the bottom of some pictures~ And saying "had" makes me feel that you're saying Messi and the whole Germany team are dead 0_0 Part 2 All pics are not mine! They were all taken from 9GAG's Facebook page!
  4. Unfortunately my real bonds aren't that strong :V
  5. ?! Because she loves cookies and cream! everyone should!
  6. Objection overruled. The defendant is found guilty. Okay okay! I know Rye was first, and the others follow in some order: astra, Zubat, Shion, Prem, AL.
  7. AS IF YOU TAUGHT ME HOW TO :V Nah, pixelated bonds are no match for real ones.
  8. Nara-chan

    World Cup 2014

    So true :< Well, the World Cup's over, so we can look back and reflect/laugh? now! Part 2 coming soon!
  9. You really should pick who you add as friends, not the other way around (because of those spammity spammers). As for me, I have...4 friends? 0_0
  10. Nara-chan

    World Cup 2014

    I pity Neymar more. He was watching the Brazil vs. Netherlands match and he couldn't do anything :V
  11. A Hachiko statue and the redhead who was taken by the skeleton man (She wasn't really sure if that was Shell) were the new attraction in the crazy circus she had gotten herself into. Some people were shooting them looks, because they were technically blocking the way, but...well, there was no excuse for that. Why oh why is crazy stuff happening in Shibuya?, she asked herself. Maybe it's because someone put up the perfect combination for craziness. Ah! Psst! You don't want to be noticed, do you?! Yeah, I don't want to be. ...I'm sorry... Nah, it's alright. Now she was thinking that her mind had become the circus. Talking to herself felt like talking to two more people. She wondered if that was a sign of madness. On second thought, talking like that might help her make decisions. She gazed at the statue of the loyal dog, and tried to find this so-called, "darkness". What she found was...nothing really. Isn't something wrong with this place? Well, everything seems to be wrong here, with skeleton people and teleporting shooters lurking around. I know that! But this place seems to be more...queer? This seems like the...what do you call that...? She gave up on trying to think on what's wrong. Instead, she waited for the sleeping redhead to wake up. Oh yeah, she never got her name. -----------------------------
  12. Nara-chan

    World Cup 2014

    CURSES 1-0!!! ALL MY BETS SHALL COME FOR PAYBACK IN 2018!!! Oh gosh I'll be so old then. In case you didn't get it: It's so sad, the World Cup is over and we have to wait 4 more freaking years for revenge.
  13. Avie: 8.5/10. Yayy it's Haibara! But too many people have Haibara profile pics here, so... Siggy: 9/10. LOL.
  14. Nara-chan

    World Cup 2014

    ARGENTINA FOR THE WIN~~! Boy, that Netherlands-Argentina game was all for penalties.
  15. Dear Anonymous, You just naturally annoy me, but that aside, I have something to tell you... Stop acting leader. You are not the leader. He is. He'll be happy to have you contribute, but for goodness' sake, he won't change the whole thing just because it didn't go according to your plan! And you have no right to order us what to do! ~Nara ---------------------- Dear Anon, The world is naturally noisy. There is no total silence period in this world. So if you want total silence, make yourself deaf. -M --------------------- Dear N, You've forgotten, right? That itchy little habit of mine? Or you know, and put those things up just to show me how superior, how smart you really are? You do not need to post your frustrations on the National Achievement Test results (and you don't need to post them either, you know?!), you do not need to post every little order to your groupmates, you do not have to rub it in everyone's faces. You also need to stop thinking that you are waitlisted, Those are the thoughts of a bitter person who thinks s/he's the most intelligent person on Earth. I wish I had seen it before... ~M, the stalker
  16. Nara-chan

    World Cup 2014

    Brazil has won 5 times @Balth: When I'm shocked, that means I expected that team to be high-ranking even before the Cup started.
  17. ------------------------------- She stared at the ground again, "That violinist said that the police couldn't help us. Well, I'm not basing this decision only on his words, but the mysterious phenomenon that happened with the policeman that disappeared when Lilliam confronted us. He suddenly disappeared. I think that black-haired girl noticed it too..." "Mari" scanned the others' faces. "Something strange surround the KID impostor heists. I know it. It can't be a coincidence." Her words' ideas were jumping all over the place, but she just voiced out her ideas there. ---------------------
  18. Nara-chan

    World Cup 2014

    7-1 IS JUST INSANE. IN-SANE. I have no idea why people didn't make this topic earlier! World Cup fever is so rampant! It was kind of shocking that Spain (the defending champion), Italy, England and Portugal got kicked out in the first stage But I was all for Brazil, Colombia (because of their quite sad back story) and Argentina, since South American countries are passionate about soccer. Neymar Brazil So now I'm rooting for Argentina.
  19. NO ONLY ZUBAT IS YOUR SERVANT/MINION :V LYKA DOES NOT COUNT :VVVVVV she serves Prem XD Because Ayame loves Haibara and is a ShinRan! *hugssssss* '
  20. I've been busy gomenasai I promise I'll update!!! ---------------------- The Scenario at the Police Station so far: Tsukiko, Ari, "Mari", MIsaki and Alek are faced with (once again, for the third time arghhh) a gun! The gun-pointer happens to be that girl that gave "Mari" the bomb, Lilliam Nevermore! But when she thinks that was going to be her final act as a target practice, Shell the skeleton appears~! What happens next with this chaotic band of strange people?! ----------------------- They arrived at the police station in Alek's car, and walked in. They seemed strange, compared to the other occupants of the building: some old men reading newspapers, two girls sitting on the chairs provided for inquiring people, and... Well, there was someone stranger then them here. A silver-haired guy and a black-haired girl in front of a police officer. It was strange because...well...maybe because the guy had silver hair? Something was bugging her about the pair... Said weird-colored guy suddenly walked up to their group. Misaki seemed to recognize him, and said something in Japanese. She caught the words, "Aeigo-kun" Her visit to the cybercafe on her first day in Shibuya came back to her. This was the violinist that reminded her of her own violin lessons. A wave of nostalgia swept over her. The violinist then accused them of playing hero (Hmmm, does playing hero involve jumping of a building?), but quickly redeemed himself in some sort of way by showing them the latest KID card. It was written in neat Japanese script, which, naturally, she didn't understand, but Misaki provided a translation, "This city is no longer safe. Run away, far away," Her mind drew a blank on that. That letter looked like KID wanted to talk to someone, which the shy black-haired girl soon voiced (more like stammered) out. She wanted to ask the policeman earlier, but he wasn't where he was before, as the black-haired girl had pointed out. She was about to turn around and leave when a bullet shot rang out. It seemed to be aimed at the violinist, but it missed, hitting the wall behind him. Crap, am I going to be target practice again?! A hooded figure was at the door. His/Her/Its whole body was covered with it, so the attacker remained anonymous. Except for the gun, of course. Her eyes softened. She was used to it already. The violinist remained calm, even if the other girl was behind him already. "Ah, you." The hooded figure drew out his/her/its free hand and removed the brown cover over her head, revealing a sneer that was so familiar...ah, it was the near sneer/grin of the person with the bomb! "Lilliam Nevermore, at your service." It appeared to her chaotic brain now that she was bored of (watching? observing?) them, and pondered on killing them. But before she could make them her targets, Shell appeared behind her. Lilliam seemed to be surprised as well, but Shell made no move to stop her from mass-murdering them all. She raised her gun at them, but lowered it, offering now answers to questions...for a price. With that gun in hand, it's obvious what that price would be, she said to herself, but someone had already asked it verbally. Crap! What have you done?! Luckily, Lilliam didn't take said price, but provided them with valuable information: that Shibuya Crossing would be the next venue of the KID attacks. The next question would be the one with the price. What use is the information if we can't even share it?! she screamed mentally. Tsukiko raised another question, answering her mental question after asking Lilliam. Lilliam seemed disappointed, but started making Tsukiko pay. She raised her gun, and pulled the trigger... She expected to find the Finnish girl collapsed on the floor, with the life bleeding out of her, but Shell was standing in front of Tsukiko. He/She/It had taken the bullet for Tsukiko, but he/she/it didn't see hurt. He/She/It was clutching his/her/its chest, though. Lilliam fired shot after shot at Shell, but Shell kept blocking every bullet, until Lilliam's gun had ran out of bullets. She angrily dropped it. Shell said something in Japanese (English, people, English!) which prompted Lilliam to angrily say something (probably a curse word?), followed by an English word, "...Reaper!" "What did she say?!" "You recognize it, don't you?" "Ummm...no?" , she said to herself. Despite the apparent cursing Shell received, she grabbed Lilliam's arm. She said something that her frazzled brain couldn't quite process, but this phrase: "You are all at death's gate...or are you?" Then Lilliam, Shell, the violinist and the black-haired girl disappeared, leaving their group, along with the old men and two girls (who were all staring strangely at them) alone in the police station. "Does anyone know where Shibuya Crossing is?" she asked to her companions. Soon enough, they were in Alek's car, off to their next destination, and probably, doom. ------------------------ The group who chose to go to the restaurant was already there. Perhaps they had also talked to someone who knew about the KID attacks (like that woman Kyoko Sasaki)? Or did they just land there when they were aimlessly walking? Turns out that it was the former. "So, what do you make of it? I for once wouldn't mind going out with this Lilliam." said AL, who had just let Chopper, who was riding piggyback-style on his back, down. She shook her head in exasperation. Lilliam was someone you definitely wanted on your side, but one wrong move and your last sight would be her wicked-looking sneer. "We wait." -----------------------------------
  21. I'm not part of your "fanclub". Ummm, I don't really have any interaction with you, gomen...
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