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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Nara-chan

  1. ^What the heck, you just got another score mark on my annoyed list. "Set.."
  2. ^I will never forgive you for your grammar and spelling mistakes
  3. Ewwwww. BITE EVERYONE NYAHAHAHAHA~~~~~ WWYDI your grandm had dancer?
  4. ^Well, it was because Rye hasn't finished MoA and I was asking her if she has.
  5. Nara-chan

    Random Thought

    ^It was a KOALA? o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O
  6. DARKKKK 6EVERRRR Gay or Lesbian?
  7. Tasmin ruffled her hair and went off to challenge the Reaper, which had been shot but was barely damaged. At the sight of their leader being fought, the Shadows moved more restlessly, and Iyana had to make more blades appear to threaten them to back off. She started slashing again, and her ADHD brain was helping greatly. She shifted to another area, where she saw Tasmin fighting against the Reaper, which was now riding on a skeletal horse. The femur was the only bone still intact. The others were hanging loosely on his skeletal body. They seemed to be on the winning side, but she couldn't marvel at this fact now. An explosion shook the white floor, and Shadows crumpled. A skeletal warrior was in the middle of the chaos. It seemed weakened, but it hadn't died yet. Suddenly she remembered a thing Alita had said: something about Shadows panicking when Reapers were defeated... That Reaper had to be defeated, so that Shadows would be in disarray, and be easy to defeat. She heard her name be called, and quickly turned in the direcgion of the voice. It was Aquilas, her two mismatched (?) eyes glinting with bravery, her dagger unsheathed. Iyana immediately understood that she was going to fight the Reaper, and needed her help. She pulled down the other blades on her Swiss Army knife, leaving just the longest one out, and joined Aquilas near the Reaper. The Reaper notched an arrow, and took aim at Iyana. Her instincts took over, and she raised her body bag to block the shot. The arrow embedded itself in the leather, which was fortunately thick. She pulled the arrow out, and while she knew Prem would need it, she would give it to him later. This arrow would make a great weapon on its own with its finely cut feathers with a yellow tint. Apparently all creatures in the Rift, even those not from the Rift originally, could only be killed by these weapons. Iyana grinned at Aquilas. "Let's fight this skeleton, shall we?"
  8. Some cilor. Do you like being smacked with newspapers?
  9. I make all the people of DCW come together and smack your face really hard with the monitor. You die. PJ
  10. I just naturally don't post questions. I just smack people with newpapers
  11. I give hemophobia and cover you in blood. You die of paranoia. Drums
  12. That ant delivred a killer bite. You die. Chess
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