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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Nara-chan

  1. His avatar is a blinking Kid Blinking often means cluelessness or innocence Another word for Kid is child Innocent Child
  2. ^o_O My brother counts like this: "2,3,2,,6,7,8,9,10, Yayyyy!"
  3. But drawing=fun and leisure too.
  4. But drawing=fun and leisure too.
  5. ^o_O I love sneakers, especially my Keds
  6. DEar above, You are already my partner -Nara
  7. "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." -Albert Einstein
  8. I didn't talk until I was 2 years old
  9. I wish Neko would understand why I call Mr. Theif Innocent child
  10. Dear CON, Who will be my imouto? -Nara
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