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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Nara-chan

  1. @Modern Holmes 1. Technically, Movie 6 still happened in Japan bevause that was just a virtual London. But yes, that's a good idea 2.Yes 3. The movie caters to Japanese people, and if it was in English, most people would have a difficult time (no offense to Japanese people) But yes, I want that. I was lost in Movie 7 What I want: 1. Less of Ran-is-the-damsel-in-distress movies. Ran is not helpless. She is fierce with her karate. 2.More mystery and tension. Most of the movies consist of action. Please see the title. It is DETECTIVE Conan, not Action Man Conan. 3. As close to the canon plot as possible. Please. Don't make Kazuha a super high-pitched crier. I know Movies are not canon and will never be, but try not to make the characters OOC, onegai?
  2. Dear CON, Nyahhahahahahahaah great mom you are -Nara
  3. Where he is Supremium leader
  4. Now? Gods of Olympus, that cellphone's slow!
  5. Dear CON, So you're the one that beat AL just because he got a B! -Nara
  6. He escaped in a Premium way!
  7. Dear CON, Blackmailing is one of my favorite hobbies! -Nara
  8. 1. Haibara Ai- HANDS DOWN! ShinRan eppies like Desperate Revival wouldn't have happened without her, so thank her, ShinRan fans! Also, she is like me <3 2.Mouri Ran- ShinRan 4ever ♡♡♡! Also, she never gives up on love and is very patient. Traits I want to have (but don't ) 3. Edogawa Conan/Akai Shuuichi aka Okiya Subaru- AWESOMENESS. End of story.
  9. Dear CON, He might try to argue. -Nara
  10. ^Nah, you're a daughter of Eris! Misandric
  11. *saves the spawn of the spawn of darkness*
  12. Dear Zubat/Zia/Zubiya Astra's weird nicknames.... -Nara
  13. Dear Anonymous, If you truly care about us, let more of us live by donating your organs. -Nara
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