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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Nara-chan

  1. Yes, because there are 4 phases of training: 1. A twelve Saturday training which is free. 2. An in house training which costs Php 4,000 just for accomodations for one person. 3. A summer training which is free 4. A weekly training in preperation for contests which is free CONTESTS- MINIMUM $300 MAXIMUM $1K You see why only rich kids get in? Lucky me that we're well to do, But the poor but talened kids? They get left in the dust. AND most of the people there are Chinese. AND only a few are public schools AND 95% of the people there don't speak Filipino, even if they're repesenting the Philippines. Not to make that organization look bad, but it's kinda biased.
  2. I have 14 teeth that are permanent
  3. "Usually, sons bury fathers. War turns the tide And fathers bury sons."
  4. Dear CON, Unfortunately, that person won't be me. -Nara
  5. Does blood count? I had a loose tooth.
  6. The math part is fun, but the snobby private school girls there who practicallh stick their noses in their Iphones? Not much.
  7. @astra OH I'M A PROBLEM NOW?!
  8. @astra, PREMIUM and Zubat- sadly, I don't have Skype
  9. @astra X( @Premium So you and Zubat-san Skype each otherL
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