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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by oswinoswald

  1. OHHH SCOREE!!!! Perfectt!!! Actually, taking into account that Aoyama's going to be 51 this year, if we assume he's going to end Conan at 53, that means we've got two years and this year to let it finish. Maybe he's just creating a protracted ending, meaning maybe the beginning of the end starts with the 20th anniversary this year, and he takes the remainder two years to tie up all the loose ends and give it a proper ending. After all, I always thought that he'd take at least a year to end it, meaning a year of plot-driven files (like Clash of Red and Black) to end it. Also, it's the first time that almost all the parallel storylines (Akai, Sera and Bourbon) are somewhat closed, so I'm curious about that.
  2. I'm a firm believer that he'll end it once he's going to retire... I mean, it wouldn't be very nice to leave it without ending, since he has said plenty of times that he knows how it's going to end, just not when it's going to end. My theory is he's going to wait until he has to retire. I thought maybe the 20th anniversary would signify plot development and would get us closer to the end, but so far all we got is boob discussion which isn't really even relationship development, so I don't even know anymore.
  3. So file 884 just came out in chinese!! is someone willing to translate at least the last part?? thanks a ton!!
  4. So does this mean that there's no new file this friday?
  5. Oh, okay. I thought it was weird because we usually get the Chinese version on Friday and there was no break announced on file 882, but the place where I usually check for the Chinese version (not Baidu) said it wouldn't be out until January 3rd. I have seen a photo though, where you can see Shinichi in front of the sharks and it says 883 on the bottom, but I wasn't sure what was going on. Thanks anyways!
  6. can anyone translate at least a bit of it? DCTP hasn't translated the last like five files yet, and I really want to know what's going on! I hope this has Sera involved!!!!
  7. THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR THE TRANSLATION!!! also for the dates! It doesn't really count as a confession, but at least it was a nice moment!! ^^ It does suck that we have to wait so long though....
  8. SHINICHI'S COMING BACK? OH LORD YESSSSSSSSSSS! When's the new file out? Also, can anyone translate what's going on between Heiji and Kazuha? I tried to translate some of the chinese comments on tieba baidu and some talked about a confession.... so anyone out there feel like translating at least the Heiji and Kazuha moments??? THANNKKKSSS
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