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Detective Conan World


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About nic

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/02/1995
  1. Rye

    Happy Birthday =)

  2. ara

    thanks for added me as your friend ^^

  3. Walking in a shop and seeing yourself on CCTV. HAHA. Cool.

  4. Watching DConan Episode 1. :D HAHA. Coool.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nic


      Thanks. Yes. Coz Shinichi is still normal at epi.1.

    3. shoshoayoosh


      Hahaha true , I hope shinichi appears so soon in the anime :(

    4. nic


      Yearight. :(

  5. I want to change my profile picture but its always FAILED. :(

    1. shoshoayoosh


      It happened to me too , but I made a gravatar and changed my profile pic from there :)

    2. anonymously anonymous

      anonymously anonymous

      I recommend you to use a gravatar too. ^-^

    3. nic


      but hoow. it is always failed also.

  6. Listening Detective Conan theme songs <3 #LSS

  7. Hi. :D

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      Heheh awesome! You'll find quite a lot of buddies here! ^^

    3. nic


      I hope so. But lots of you are good and friendly. :D

    4. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      Nyahahahaha!!!!! Some of us are evil...like meh!!! Just kidding :P I don't bite. But I might do other stuf- wait no I'll try not to :P

      Call me whatever you want, bud. Zubi and Zubat are my most common nicknames tho :P what should I call you?

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