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Everything posted by Southpaw

  1. Southpaw

    Magic Kaito

    to the best of my knowledge, it was never confirmed who it was that killed Toichi, it was just assumed by the fandom to have been the Black Org out of convenience
  2. I loved it! the part where was most excellent
  3. I have it stashed away on my hard drive, but I haven't watched it yet because I heard it was more like an epilogue for the movie
  4. I would definitely join, even though I don't use facebook a whole lot (I mostly just have it so my friends can find me)
  5. Southpaw


    thanks! full name would have been better, but at least it's something please tell any of your friends who might be interested
  6. I think the first one is from the end of the "Diplomat Murder Case", when Heiji says he lost the "battle", Shinichi said there is no winning or losing
  7. do a google search... someone somewhere must have it
  8. not bad my first (and second) AMV had clips with subtitles, so I don't feel it's right to judge you on that... but next time you should try to find more clips that don't have them
  9. there's already a section for fan art, so I'm not certain what you're asking here. Also, if people want to look at DC art, there are plenty of other places on the 'net to find it ...not to mention, there's probably a few good pics on the wiki
  10. actually, I was quite eager to try them out, at first mention... and had a feeling that a simple search wouldn't do the trick... so I am glad you gave the locations the linking issue was more about people who are sharing fan-translated copies of original media, which I'm under the impression that these aren't (I haven't looked at either of them yet) upon closer inspection, I don't think the use of the song or the art is that big of a deal... and the first game kept getting stuck when I went into the second room in the right hallway... and the art in the second game is just atrocious (and Shinichi is very out of character from the get-go), so while I appreciate your sharing, I will not be partaking further in either of these two games
  11. but neither the special nor any of the movies are canon!
  12. Southpaw


    A friend and I have started a petition to hopefully get FUNimation to look into getting the rights for the English dub of DRRR. Please join. http://www.PetitionOnline.com/DRRR/petition.html Now... I know what you're thinking. "English dub?" You read me right. We've started a petition for FUNimation to license this fascinating and unusual show. Think about it - if it's gonna get licensed, which group would you rather pick it up? They already have Baccano, which was done by the same Japanese group, and Durarara probably suits them better than if another group was to license it. I know we've been burned by them in the past (The DC English dub was generally a good translation, except they mangled people's names and Heiji was spouting stuff he had no business knowing about, the first time he showed up), but they have gotten much better since then, and they even had a few gems before that. So please throw your weight in to our cause! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Durarara, it's basically a story of a boy who moves to Ikebukuro to go to high school and reconnect with a childhood friend... and it's also about all the other people they meet along the way. It's often twisted and confusing, just like Baccano, but it's also deep and challenges one's sense of human relationships. Just don't expect it to be a typical slice-of-life story!
  13. Numb3rs ended.... but I want to add White Collar
  14. yeah, I saw that at the end of the thread... I haven't had a chance to try it yet, though, because I really ought to be working on cosplay

  15. Southpaw

    Kudo or L?

    I disagree, I think L is more aggressive... but that might just be because of the cases they each take. L's cases are on a more international scale, and so tend to be more influential but then again, DeathNote is one big case, whereas DC is a lot of smaller cases... so it might not be apples to apples
  16. Sawada Hiroki ...and I'm sure that was because of his genetics project (like how he discovered the descendant of Jack the Ripper)
  17. welcome to DC World love your avatar
  18. that's okay, you'll just know for next time

    also, it would be helpful for you to enable private messaging so that this sort of thing isn't displayed where everyone can see it

  19. please don't double post... if you discover you need to add something to the thread after having just hit "send", there's a convenient edit button in the bottom right corner of your post.

    thank you,

    your friendly neighborhood moderator

  20. even if you don't mind a raw (not that I know whether there are any available yet), you'll have to search for it on your own since I've been trying to discourage people from posting that type of link on these boards. I suggest a nice search engine, like google
  21. I thought it was interesting that he has perfect pitch, but they always tease him for being tone-deaf because he can't actually sing... I know that's off topic, but it had to do with a previous comment... and I suppose I liked movie 12. it's not my favorite, but it is up there... partially because of the magic file that went with it
  22. my parents have FUNimation channel, and I've never seen the movies on there... episodes were on there for a while, but they're not right now except maybe on demand.... so I don't know what you're talking about, dfjkiller
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