Hello I'm new here, but I like DC since long time!!
My ideias about the boss:
@@@@@ I like the ideia he's old and Vermouth need to take care and stay by "his side"...:
=>maybe her not so fake husband ( old cause maybe the drug she used on her didn't work on him, maybe put him sick on a bed...thats why they developing the Aptx, to cheat death//prolong life)
=> or maybe her father( above excuse applies too)
@@@@Other ideia I have is Kogoro father: I played with the names...Nanatsu no Ko ( song), karatsu ( crow), kuro(black)....got 7 crows, 7th crow...and "Kokuro nanatsu" ....kokuro similar prononciation with Kogoro.."kogoro child"....
=>maybe his father!
@@@this chapter lead me to a minor character( suspicius MIFUNE...26 and rich, appeared other chapters in the beggining, looks like a crow xD) and one that did not appear, I think, but love the Black Star (Sonoko Grandfather..has shit load nof money, dunno if alive or dead)
@@Final is Haibara father.... ---
EDIT: About Vermouth and husband/father plot:
My guess she and her "husband" or father took some substance that made her immortal(maybe almost cause maybe she can become old but very very slowly)...to the masculine figure (one of the two...the boss?? It did not go so well, He got sick but somewhat still alive, thats why the Aptx program, lously based on that "substance" improved research to cheat death/ prolong life....
@@@@@Plot twist: before events of conan he took the Aptx and turned into a child, a 7year old child...that's why the ringtone is Nanatso no Ko...and Vermouth knows all about it, that's why she is keeping Conan and Haibara secret to not risk the boss. That's all folks :-)
sorry about the english !
Best regards