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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kirsch

  2. Do you do Javascript or HTML/CSS or whatever else? If you do HTML/CSS, try making a website on Mozilla Thimble. It's so cool 8D
  3. We did practiced Theatre (I refuse to spell it any other way) Sports during, well, Theatre. I love that class
  4. Nutella. But with 24% of DV saturated fat, I'm just dying here.
  5. Oh gosh, and they keep sending you notifications of when people add you, without giving you a choice of saying NO? xD
  6. And... There wasn't an ending? I think I would be happier to know they at least procured some type of ending, just for the sake of there being any ending in this franchise.
  7. Did I miss your birthday?? I missed your birthday. Welp, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!

    1. Akazora


      Haha, yeah, but only by a few days. Thanks!

  8. But it's something most take for granted.
  9. Wut is this I'm sure you've hugged someone.
  10. Dear Anon, Yaaayyyyyy tomoorrrooowwww!!! Signed, Me
  11. Can someone tell me what happened? I'm honestly too lazy to catch up, and from the previous posts, it doesn't seem worth it. So was there an actual ending? Or a direct to the manga?
  12. Whole wheat bread with Nutella on top
  13. I meant that the pictures were 180x100, so while they were visible, it's hard to make out what was in them.
  14. Pop is pop. Not popular. I think. You sound so convinced I'm a bit worried myself o.o
  15. "An eye for an eye will leave the world blind." -Mahatma Gandhi
  16. Please- don't. I think you did great in what I read I apologize for that. I was pretty set off by what he said .-.
  17. I've always dislike the big metropolitan I live next to. However, I finally began to appreciate the amazing cultural city as it is just a few days ago when I last visited. I've never seen it in such a beautiful light, and man, give props to the guy who planned it. The buildings are pretty, the crowds aren't overwhelming, and it appreciates not paving over everything then leaving litter everywhere. I wonder if I've written other places off like this.
  18. Kirsch

    your dream job

    Storms cells are definitely more interesting than types of clouds, but I remember being more interesting in the drone they flew into the storm cell than the actual thing when I watched the documentaries If it interests you any, I'll be interviewing a professor over spring break on the topic of astrophysics. He specializes in atmospheric weather on the surfaces of different planets and moons, and apparently he's well informed in these kind of things back on Earth as well.
  19. What...? Are you interpreting "pop" as "popular"?
  20. Ohhh I remember going through that phase xD
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