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muslimandproud conanfan

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Everything posted by muslimandproud conanfan

  1. The last movie I saw was the American movie "Waitress" but in cinemas is "Sunni fe Masr" (translation is Made in Egypt). It is Arabic. :)
  2. Hiiiiiiiiii.

    1. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      :P aaahhhh I know that feel! Though I never got homework during summer, I will be getting from this year (new school is crap)

      Not vacation here at the moment, so I feel sick of the work load :V especially when your weekend is only Sundays

    2. muslimandproud conanfan

      muslimandproud conanfan

      Ouch, that should be pain in the back. Good luck with that work. I used to feel soooo sick with work too (also Iam impatient person). Good luck with your new school. I can not dare put a smiley face because of your situation XD

    3. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      Aw haha But I think I'm finally getting used to this whole new school thing :P But I still don't like my classmates

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  3. Happy Eid everyone ;) Sorry for late status. :)

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      eating a lot, i guess

    2. 75aichan


      eating a lot and seeing all my family^^

    3. muslimandproud conanfan

      muslimandproud conanfan

      :D :D :D :D For me is family gatherings (alot), the adults give us money (called eidiya in Arabic), new clothes, eating cookies which is dough stuffed smashed dates. All of your ways of celebration are awesome ;). Happy Eid again :D
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  4. Hiiiiiiiiii. ;)

    1. muslimandproud conanfan

      muslimandproud conanfan

      Iam fine, thanks for asking. :) :) So how is your summer vacation ?

    2. iloveshinran


      the summer is over here in my country, its a bit cold coz its raining everyday...

    3. muslimandproud conanfan

      muslimandproud conanfan

      Oh, sorry. In my country it may be one of the countries with high temperatures. But you do have a vacation right ? :)

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