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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kenzi

  1. There seems to be a lack of funny episodes in the newer ones, so I highly recommend you go through the older episodes if you haven't already. Here's a list I managed to gather from the newer(ish) ones (and from movies and OVAs). Images of them are put in spoilers: The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box (507-508) The Alibi of the Black Dress (575-576) There were some really good moments from Movie 8 Movie 9 as well A Small Client (354-355) Teitan High School’s Ghost Story (361-362) OVA 11 oh, and basically every episode with Heiji in it ...which can be found here: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Heiji_Hattori_Appearances Those were all from the top of my head. Like I said before, the older episodes typically have a lot more to offer in comedy. You wouldn't want to miss these, right? Kogoro's Class Reunion Murder Case (27-28) The Kidnapping of a Popular Artist Case (81-82) The Strange Person Hunt Murder Case (13) There are a lot more pictures, unfortunately, it's harder to track them down since they're from older episodes. But you get the gist, heh. Happy watching!
  2. It's hard to tell over the internet, haha also, use Chrome or Firefox I don't know what you're doing using Explorer don't lie, you've watched enough AoT/SnK to be used to that already.
  3. yes ...and for a good five minutes after seeing this gem on /r/TheLastAirbender http://i.imgur.com/TSnvwap.jpg
  4. Kenzi

    I wish...

    I'm crossing my fingers for a snowday within the next week. I have another Bio test before break and I'm feeling really discouraged about taking it. Being the paranoid person I am, I checked the weather recently and it seems like it ain't gunna happen.
  5. Pretty much my school everyday. some days we lack ketchup some days we lack ranch "Thanks (Michelle) Obama!" EDIT: Also, the "kawaii" thing seemed to spike after PewDiePie blew up.
  6. I already finished the OVAs. The humor was nice, but it wasn't much to be excited about in my opinion. I'm looking forward to Levi's backstory--I almost forgot about it until you reminded me, haha.
  7. I was thinking something like this would be appropriate:
  8. Kenzi


    must. resist. urge. to crack a viola joke. I played the piano for a brief amount of time. I can self-teach myself now, but I really regret quitting. I completely forgot about the recorder until some of you guys mentioned it. It's one of the required instruments for elementary school. I'm currently a violinist. I've been playing for about 6-7ish years now and I love the darn thing to pieces.
  9. Kenzi

    I wish...

    ohohoho, a little passive aggressive, now are we?
  10. "Kirsch, thread reviver, strikes again!" I might post mine later. It's not the neatest thing in the world, so I'm a bit reluctant. nice find, though.
  11. no, my friend you're not the only one, ehehe.. I don't think there's anything wrong with the childhood friend cliche. It's one of those devices that help develop the relationship between some people. I could go on and on about it, but that's not going to be the purpose of my post. Anything, no matter how well made it is, will become stale after repeating itself in abundance. The point of the childhood friend romance is to give a pair of characters a past to develop their relationship on; it's something that should be exclusive to a select few within a series. However, it has gotten much too repetitive within DC. Shinichi x Ran Heiji x Kazuha Kaito x Aoko Kogoro x Eri Shiratori x Kobayashi Chiba x Naeko (probably a few others I missed) ...and suddenly, the childhood friend cliche becomes the main source of a developing relationship within DC. It's old now and I'm pretty tired of seeing it at this point. Shinichi x Ran is buried under a pile of these other relationships, which I feel is being counterintuitive. Childhood friendships have kinda lost their "magic" at this point. Gosho would have been better off stopping after Kaito x Aoko because right now, he's giving me the impression that his only tactic for making relationships is through the childhood friend cliche. Seriously, where did Chiba x Naeko even come from?
  12. Dang, 2016? The entire show's probably not going to finish until I graduate from college. Thank goodness it's not going to end up like Naruto or Bleach, or else I'd probably end up dropping it. Thanks for the info!
  13. The last video games I've played (other than Pokemon) were Cave Story and Super Meat Boy (all on the PC). I highly recommend them if you ever find the time.
  14. Gah, I'm such a sucker for piano covers, so I'm really glad I ran into this. I've listened to some of marasy8's covers so often that sometimes, I'm only able to recognize a song because he played it before. One time, I heard the official opening for Psycho-Pass and I was thinking "oh, I recognize this," but that was only because I heard marasy8 play it beforehand--when it should be the other way around. This is definitely my favorite Touhou remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzRakY0oli0 I love taking apart the music and picking out the different instruments. I previously thought it was impossible to blend the the electric guitar with classical instruments until I heard this. It's fantastic and mind-blowing how fluid everything is in the Plain Asia remix. haha, I'm such a geek, but I love being a melomaniac.
  15. I relived mine a few weeks ago when I based my physics project off of Dora. no regrets.
  16. Food/drinks aren't allowed in our school library either, so I'm not entirely sure why they hand out snacks during tutoring sessions. Last food I ate was taro. Gosh, I love taro.
  17. I have multiple emails open: A personal one, one for school, and one for spam. I'm in incognito 90 percent of the time because my dad sometimes spot-checks my internet history. God knows what'll happen to me if he sees all the YouTube videos and the "noneducational" sites I've been browsing.
  18. Same here. I'm neither Christian nor atheist, so I prefer to call myself agnostic.
  19. Kenzi

    I wish...

    ^ basically everyone who's taking SAT/ACTs or the AP English test
  20. when you're productively doing your homework until a spider magically appears on your wall and it's like "hey do you want to have a staring contest for the next 30 minutes"
  21. I unfollowed some threads because my inbox was blowing up with 100+ emails every time I logged on. "Thanks Obama!"
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