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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. It's been syndicated here in the US for years.
  2. Ryo


    I hate when I don't go with my gut instinct.
  3. 13 hours. Can you have multiple soulmates?
  4. Live version since they may give alternate verses/chorus Cake or Pie?
  5. Didn't feel too much from that ending. Somewhat basic.
  6. Dear Anon, I'm not intimidating. Signed, Me.
  7. Yeah, but it sometimes takes awhile for international items
  8. Ryo


    In general, or something specific?
  9. Around 9-10am. The longest you've gone without sleep?
  10. It just depends on the person. For myself, there's better stores online that fit my style. Pretty much the only time I buy something in store is if it's a last minute outfit I need for an event.
  11. “Success is one thing — but impact is another.”
  12. No, since today was a bad day.
  13. Whoa, you're missing out (I guess depending on where you're from)
  14. Thanks to BD, you should see the comments now :)

  15. Hey I'm not sure why, but it looks like other members can't see their comments on my profile.

    1. Black Demon

      Black Demon

      You need to go to http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=usercp and uncheck "Allow me to approve comments before they are displayed on my profile". I've also helped you "approve" the previous comments as well.

    2. Ryo
  16. Ryo


    Yeah Caesar salads + chicken is really good. I'm just not a big salad guy. Also, I love fruit. I hate vegetables (except carrots) with a passion.
  17. Ryo


    Only way I can tolerate it is if it comes as a side with a meal. I could never eat it by itself. No problem!
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