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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. Maybe since I'm older, I appreciate the old animation of anime a lot. I didn't grow up seeing HD.
  2. Ah le le! SnK >>>>> I'm trying hard to be patient, but another year? Geez. I'm looking forward to the movie btw.
  3. Ooh, close one, but I do give SnK the edge.
  4. Looking back, the eng dub for DC was so cheesy.

    1. Kirsch


      Phew, it's not just me. I mean, American voice overs sound okay in Toy Story or something, but it's really out of place when it comes to dynamics. Maybe it's our habit of making the 'o' sound with the w at the end or something. Can't quite place my finger at it...

    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      not to mention it did not make sense

    3. Kirsch


      You mean the puns?

      Now that I think about it, Ran's a English voice sounded more mature. If the dub did continue, it wouldn't fit the 'damsel in distress' role. Dunno if that's good or not.

    4. Show next comments  240 more
  5. My exact face when I read that. We'll definitely be atop the PL this year.
  6. Damn you santa! lol. Also, I told you my mind went blank on nickames Lol, I think he would be like 1-2 years older than me.
  7. I didn't think it would be bad, moreso nothing spectactular on a movie level (although the recent movies have bore me.) I'll still watch it though once it's subbed.
  8. No such thing as hating SnK. (Sorry for the double post)
  9. No such thing as hating SnK.
  10. Lol, true. My expectations for that disappearance special are somewhat Anyway. It's okay since I'm not surprised at all that would happen.
  11. Use your detective skills.
  12. Nope, I'd agree with you. They do too much with Ran in the movies. Her falling and in a soft voice "Shinichi" cue Conan on a skateboard "Ran!" LOL
  13. Ryo


    Controlling people
  14. I learned something new. Growing up has its pros & cons. Just something we can't avoid I guess
  15. I know ML will be subbing it, but the exact date I don't know. I guess whenever they get the free time to do so.
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