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Everything posted by Shinan-Kudogawa

  1. Well, like I said it might be a poor theory. But it does exist, who knows maybe the slip of the artist might give us a clue. Just like the case with the U.S anime dubbers who dubbed Gin and Vodka as Melkior and Gasper respectively, and Gosho-sama later protested against this slip as it would spoil some things that he was planning for..
  2. My newest composed theory about RUM, is the fact that he (following the alcohol name as Gosho arranged for male and female) is 2nd in command. Although Anokata seems to trust people who are not just most loyal but most smart as well, just as Anokata had no problem eliminating Pisco who was loyal for a long time while giving Gin the most important missions therefore trusting him almost fully. It would appear that Anokata would place a person who is 2nd in command to be more loyal and more skillful than Gin (and probably older but not necessarily), thus my guess would be someone as ruthless as both Gin and Anokata and careful as both. While assuming that in matter of intelligence is in between Gin's and Anokata's, and probably is physically trained as well like Gin and Vermouth. Having that in mind, RUM would also like the boss would have some kind of interest in Detectives Fiction as seeing the BO using a detective's related password (Sherring Ford the prototype name for Holmes, being the password of the BO's laptop that Haibara tried to hack after being captured by Pisco). If so then RUM, as many others, is likely to use tricks and create illusions. Thus the most sensible for a 2nd in command is to hide his identity (like Gin who almost never appears to be alone and kills anyone in view in order to leave no trace behind about his existence, Vermouth whose ageless body is a miracle and uses various disguises to hide her true identity). Therefore RUM is likely to have some kind of a plan to be unrecognizable as someone capable on cooperating a crime syndicate, so most likely either disguising as someone else or using substitute bodies with the same feature (glass eye) to mislead the others (as the theory mentioned by many other fellow fans) or both. But what I can not see happening is the existence of three 2nd in command people, a sister company is a nice theory. But then again Shuu did say he heard the name few times while in the BO as that of a senior member also Haibara said she heard the name as the 2nd in command while in the BO but did not meet him, therefore we now know the existence of a single person as the 2nd in command. But still what remains is the question of the identity of RUM, as mentioned he had appeared or will appear shortly. Thus like sometimes the most innocent might be the most suspicious, the most misleading might be the most leading. Yet it is a very weak basis, however another guess of mine would be regarding RUM's appearance. He is most likely a strong old man with feminine looks, just like the descriptions..
  3. What truly bothers me about the 2nd brother besides the fact who he is (although most probably to be Shukichi), is the other fact as claimed by Sera herself that the middle brother is 'smart' while the eldest Shuichi is 'strong' comparable. If so, then could be that the 2nd brother actually knows all about his older brother whereabouts and the kind of job he is taking. I mean we are talking about a guy who is smarter compared to a man who is able to think on par with Shinichi, does that mean the 2nd Brother is smarter than both Shuu and Shinichi. If that is the case, then he is a master genius, following that Shuu would try his best to get his brother into the same job he is having. As Shuu like sera would know his brother to be smarter and therefore would have a better chance at exploiting and confronting the BO, unless Shuu is arrogant and cannot give up on himself or that he loves his brother to much than to let him be in danger. But seeing as Shuu is quite smart he would probably know better, but we don't as of the moment ..
  4. Sorry guys for the long absence.. I did from time to time think about the boss in many new different angles, and as I might say I have my own list of suspects within whom the boss is most likely to be. I witnessed a new clue, that might have skipped the others. Though it was not drawn in the original manga, the anime did draw it so the lead might be a little weak but exists nonetheless. In episode 54 (the one which Teuila dies in), almost at the very end of the episode. Conan/Shinichi says that the La Cocktail cafe at which one of the characters was about to meet Gin and Vodka that explodes is left with no traces. But right after this scene Conan/Shinichi says that the deal was about the BO getting a list of the world's best programmers and just while talking about the BO, a silhouette of 5 people is shown presumably as I guessed it is either the programmers that are the best in their field or the top BO members. Seeing as the artists of the anime would not bother over drawing silhouette of characters and adding to a manga based episode that in originality did not include the silhouette, then the other option is more likely and therefore it is the silhouette of the top BO members. With noticeably familiar characters, the drawing could be a mislead but more likely to be more of a slip of info from the staff without Gosho-sama's authentication.. Here is the silhouette:- (sorry for the bad quality, captured in a hurry XD) P.S. Notice that the woman with the long hair looks similar to Chris, while the woman on the left with the short straight hair looks similar to Sharon.. The one in the middle is most likely the Boss if my theory is right ...
  5. As a vivid fan of both characters, I'd say Sherlock Holmes. And not just because I read all of his stories more than 59 times, but it is also because he is the forefather of all fictional detectives..Think about it like this, without Holmes there wouldn't be DC at all...since DC is inspired by SH....Though after SH my favorite is Kudo Shinichi, but then again this is my opinion..
  6. If so, then the 7 children includes Anokata (Daikoku Rentaro) and they have a 'mother'. Unless DR is either the name of RUM or another person inside the BO... But also, besides the names the gods do have things in common with the BO...What do you think?? Jurojin - is the God of Wisdom and is commonly presented as an old man wearing a hat with a long white beard holding a knobbled walking staff with a scroll tied to it. He is often confused with Fukurokuju, as both are presented in a very similar way, though in Jurōjin a black deer always accompanies him as a messenger and as symbol of longevity. The virtue he represents is Wisdom. This is Jin since we know that he is very smart and observant. Benzaiten - The only female of the Shichi Fukujin is Benzaiten (a.k.a Benten) and is originally the Hindu goddess of water. In its japanese representation, she is the Goddess of Arts and Knowledge. Her common form is a beautiful woman dressed in a flowing Chinese-style dress and playing the biwa, sometimes the flute. The virtue she represents is Joy. Vermouth is an expert in the arts of disguise and is a very knowledgeable person, and she almost always seems happy.. Bishamonten - Also originally from Indian Buddhism, Bishamonten is the God of Warriors (not war) He is also a God of Defense Against Evil. Almost always dressed in armor with a fierce look and standing over one or two demons symbolizing the defeat of evil. In one hand he has a weapon to fight against evil influences and suppress the enemies. On the other hand he holds a treasure pagoda or stupa, which is his main identifying attribute. The virtue he represents is Dignity. Pisco is the one who went on to get rid of a BO threatening character.. Fukurokuju - Brought from China’s Taoist-Buddhist traditions, Fukurokuju is the God of Wealth, Happiness, and Longevity. Represented with an elongated forehead and long moustache, he is usually represented with customary clothes of a chinese scholar, holding a walking stick with a scroll tied to it. He is the only one from the seven that has the ability to revive the dead. The virtue he represents is Longevity. Obviously Anokata, Reviving the dead, wants wealth and god of longevity. Gosho did say BO's goal might be achieving money, and we do know the BO is over half a century old so the leader is very old (Longevity). And finally Vermouth said to the professor: We can be both of God and the devil trying to raise the dead against the stream of time. Daikukoten - Originally, he was a Hindu warrior deity named Mahākāla and once introduced in Japan he became the God of Wealth and Prosperity. He is well known for his happy-looking smile and is often presented with a bag on this shoulder filled with money and a magic mallet standing on two bales of rice. The virtue he represents is Fortune. Again might be Anokata or representing another character, Rum maybe.. Ebisu - Also known as Yebisu, he is the God of Fishing, Shipping and Commerce and is the only one to have his origins in Japan. Ebisu is very popular among the people who works in the food industry (farmers and sailors) as is commonly presented wearing formal court clothes or hunting robes. He is often presented with a fishing rod in his right hand and a large red sea bream under his left arm. The virtue he represents is Honesty. If we do take a look on the BO members, they seem foreign. Gin have a long silver/blonde hair, Vermouth is American. Although Vodka Pisco and Tequila does seem Japanese, maybe the aspect is attributed to does ranked higher in the BO disregarding the lower ranks.. P.S. Note that Ebisu sounds like the Japanese pronunciation of the name Erebus which is the Greek god of Darkness.. Hotei - From chinese beliefs, Hotei (a.k.a Budai) is the God of Happiness and Abundance. He is supposedly based on an actual person, a Chinese hermit Budaishi (d. 917) He is represented as a Buddhist monk with a smiling face and a prominent belly, holding a sack and a wooden staff, usually seated or sleeping in his bag. Outside Japan, he is known as “Laughing Buddha”. The virtue he represents is Happiness. I don't know what to make of him, but don't forget that such aspects does resembles that of Prof. Agasa. Gosho disregarded Agasa as Anokata, but not as a member of BO...
  7. Hi and welcome to the community, anyone who watches DC gets to love it ....
  8. I doubt it have anything to do with superstitious belief, unless it have something to do with detectives....Otherwise I'm starting to disbelieve the unlikely goal for an organization as serious as the BO who's willing to spend so much money..
  9. I do too doubt Kogoro being Anokata, however one can't be too sure about something... XD
  10. Hello, Welcome to the community ..
  11. I have a feeling that even though Kansuke appears as the RUM character, I do believe he is a red herring and that Koumei is the less suspected person should be the more suspected person...or so.. but both of them are very suspicious..
  12. Well Gosho-san won't say if there's enough clues, as he would love to tease DC's fans as much as evident...Maybe one day myself or any other fan would reveal the truth before Gosho-san reveal it...
  13. 'Her'. I thought it was a he....XD my mistake...Anyways, I'm sure Chekhov's collected theories should bring more light to the mystery. But I also believe there is something still missing, something important that no one noticed. Something that will help reveal everything, I'd better finish all my studies so I can rewatch the whole series and reread the manga all over to search for other hints..
  14. It's been seen that Vermouth and other members of the BO had been spying on the police from the inside through disguises, if RUM was a spy within the police then they wouldn't need the BO's members to spy on them..
  15. You'd get smarter by watching DC, I got smarter and better just by watching and I almost got the solution right every time. I didn't say it isn't a goof thing, in fact we watch DC for the sake of it to see how is it different this time and what trick is used this time...
  16. True, but it might be plot related. We can't assume without evidence, we need someone with lots of free time to research the series far deeper than ever in order to reveal the one and only truth
  17. It somehow confuses the fans as to the intentions of the creator Aoyama-san, whether this is plain or well planned episode..
  18. I know it is a weak theory, don't you remember that in the Mycroft longings case Heiji was shot with the wrist watch and wasn't affected as he pretended to sleep to deduce Conan's id....Anyways it is probably made like that to continue the story, or if I might go overboard again..Mouri actually knows that he is made to sleep and just pretends to forget for a bigger agenda...XD
  19. I truly doubt it, since the professor Itakura or whatever his name is. While being monitored wrote a secret diary that said that he should have and did stopped the programming for the sake of humanity, if the drug is meant to save a cure then this contradicts Itakura's words. Unless he is a meanie XD, which is unlikely..
  20. What makes me so curious and brings up an unresolved subject, is in the Karasuma Renya episode. It is speculated that because of his crest that of a raven he might be related to the BO, but somehow he is assumed 'dead'. Well in that episode the flashbacks of those two men who brings marijuana to the mansion, who are these men and what relationship do they have with Renya other than the need of his possessions. Besides it is said that they took all of the auction items, how did they took them even though they are just two and were 'walking' even if they stole a van of something. Do they have anything to do with the BO, or are they part of a bigger conspiracy. Maybe they are just plain thieves who were created to plan the episode, somehow there is a mystery behind these two..
  21. Hi, it's nice to meet you.. welcome
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