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Everything posted by s-b11119

  1. Every one who seeing my username hard then call me....vegeta...but tell me who is seeing my username hard?
  2. s-b11119


    Who is intrested and know very much about naruto?
  3. Naruto....you must watch it it's great im watching only the manga now
  4. But try to learn Japanese it's awesome
  5. Soka....rikha-chan I think I can't fo anything for you so im really sorry
  6. s-b11119

    the school

    I didn't found a better topic so im sorry
  7. s-b11119

    the school

    Hey hey you are wise all...im not....specially A.Haibara you are talking so wisely
  8. how many people here watching magic kaito

    1. Akazora


      I am, it's alright I guess.

    2. s-b11119
    3. Moon Kid

      Moon Kid

      I'm watching it. It is very good. :D

  9. s-b11119

    the school

    Who thinks that the school is boring???
  10. I'm from Germany....Munich I think you know it
  11. Watch it in Japanese you will understand, you know Japanese right?
  12. s-b11119

    Im new

    Im new too but earlier than you a little hhhh....any way welcome to DWC im 15 years old
  13. I like playing basketball and watching animes specialy naruto and detective conan
  14. s-b11119


    I like borbon more than the other members...what about you???
  15. im looking for naruto lovers....where are them?

  16. just a question why judi callin Akai...shuu

    1. Forever Lost

      Forever Lost

      Akai Shuuichi is his full name, Shuuichi being his first. Jodie was really close to him, so she calls him Shuu in an endearing way.

  17. is Akai shuichi dead or not?

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      come on man

      alive, he is

    2. s-b11119


      Thank you for answering

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