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Everything posted by DCUniverseAficionado

  1. RULES 1. Please use spoiler boxes until a full English translation is available. 2. NO DIRECT LINK to any Japanese scans (RAWs) or English scans (Japanese spoiler images are allowed as long as the amount and quality of which are very far away from a full scan). HOW TO USE A SPOILER BOX? Just simply type the following: [spoiler]Text you want to write[/spoiler] 997 spoiler pics are now out (9 in total, so definitely no direct link to them from me, this time—PM me if you don't know where to go to see them). No break next week—998 spoiler pics will be out a week from now. EDIT: Here's a summary of the spoiler pics by Spimer from DCTP: EDIT #2: And for those of you who want a text bubble by text bubble, panel by panel, page by page translation for all of 997's spoiler pics, PM me and I'll provide you a link to it.
  2. I don't think Gosho would take the events of Movie 21 and make them canon, so Heiji and Momiji are going to have to actually meet in the manga—I wonder if this case will have their canon meeting, as opposed to their non-canon meeting in the movie.
  3. Honestly, a school trip is what I was expecting from this—it makes sense if the case that features File 1000 was going to be a Shinichi/Ran rom-com situation (as was the case for File 1.... well, apart from everything before we see Ran for the first time and everything after the guy's head flew off...), as has been told to us for months by Gosho (through his postcards, etc.). All the secrecy is about getting that reaction from Shinichi (on the last page of 996). I'm just as interested in what's going to happen between them in this upcoming case as I am in which plot/character thread(s) we're going to be dealing with, once the upcoming case runs its course.
  4. Spoiler pics for 996 are out (5 in total): https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5153698030 Unfortunately, a 3 week break will follow—it won't be until July 7th until we get 997 spoiler pics.
  5. Spoiler pics for 995 are out (5 in total): https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5143379367
  6. RULES 1. Please use spoiler boxes until a full English translation is available. 2. NO DIRECT LINK to any Japanese scans (RAWs) or English scans (Japanese spoiler images are allowed as long as the amount and quality of which are very far away from a full scan). HOW TO USE A SPOILER BOX? Just simply type the following: [spoiler]Text you want to write[/spoiler] 994 spoiler pics (5, in total, so far): https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5133605754 My thoughts:
  7. I didn't know the middle finger was suddenly involved. You mean ring finger, right? Sure, an element of one case can come up, again, but it's the only case out of the total 287 (so far) that has had that element play such a role. So the odds aren't anywhere near good, to say the least. Hence why I'm not betting on it being the decider.
  8. I was actually wondering about that, but I don't know—again, I'm waiting for flashbacks to this. Honestly, though, the ring finger/index finger thing is likely not going to be a determining factor in the determination of Asaka's identity... but even so, what about Rumi's ring finger and her index finger? EDIT: File 980 (Page 15, Panel 6) shows that Rumi's thumbs seem really short (unless we're dealing with a mistake on Gosho's part). The photo of Asaka cuts off at the thumb, so we don't know is Asaka's thumbs are like Rumi's.
  9. Looks like the ring finger is longer than the index finger, here.
  10. I'm just taking what the culprit of that case (951–953) said to Masumi and Shinichi/Conan at face value—that Asaka was holding a hand mirror and that Hotta thought that Asaka was a woman—I'm not assuming how this witness reached the conclusion that the one they'd seen with the hand mirror was Asaka. And until we get a case that launches us back into the Koji Haneda/Amanda Hughes double murder—and brings up the matter of this witness, and in a way that either supports or refutes your theory, or even neither—I'm not going to be making any assumptions about how this witness inferred that the one holding the hand mirror was Asaka. We still have no flashback to this case beyond Hyoue's extremely brief remembrance of Koji's body (File 987)—I'd like to see another one before getting any further into who was there, who was where, and when who was where.
  11. Ah, I see. You think that the assertion made was that just some woman was holding the mirror, and then a separate assertion was made that this woman was Asaka. I'm afraid that's just not it. Forgive me for bringing this quote up for a third time (must be annoyance-inducing, so I apologize), but it makes it pretty clear: File 953, Page 14, Panel 5: Masumi: "Asaka... was seen holding a small hand mirror..." There's no ambiguity here. Asaka was holding the hand mirror. There was no prior assertion to this that "a woman" had been seen with a hand mirror. According to the culprit from that case (951–953), Hotta had discovered that Asaka had been seen holding a hand mirror. Also according to the culprit, Hotta, separately, concluded that Asaka was a woman: File 953, Page 14, Panel 6: Masumi: "Hotta also believed that Asaka was a woman..." As you can see, the assertion that Asaka was the one who was holding the mirror came first, and then came the assertion that Asaka was a woman—the identity of the one holding the mirror was established first, not the gender (you seem to think it was vice versa). So what's your evidence that a third party was the one holding that mirror, instead? I'd like to get to the bottom of this discussion we're having, on this specific subject, and see if there are any misunderstandings—either on my part or your part, or on both our parts.
  12. I'm saying there was only one account of someone holding a hand mirror, and in that account, the person who was carrying that mirror was Asaka. File 953, Page 14, Panel 5: Masumi: "Asaka... was seen holding a small hand mirror..." It was not someone else (this "woman" you refer to) holding the mirror. It was Asaka holding the mirror.
  13. File 953, Page 14, Panel 5: Masumi: "Asaka, the bodyguard who disappeared, was seen holding a small hand mirror..." (the translators can weigh in if the original Japanese, here, doesn't translate into this) Plus, who says that Hotta, himself, saw that?
  14. Yeah, I'd be open to Gaito Hotta's witness seeing Asaka, with the mirror, before the murders.
  15. The case that Jinpei Matsuda stole the show in had such an antagonist, so, if he's going to play a role (well, as much as a dead person can play a role), then someone like the vengeful bomber who killed him will appear as well—Rei/Toru will take up the role Jinpei took, and this new bomber will take up the role of the old bomber. We rarely—if ever—see any Tokyo MPD character who ranks above Superintendent, so I can't see Senior Superintendent Kiyonaga Matsumoto making an appearance, here. Maybe in the manga case that will come out around the time Movie 22 does, we'll get something about Rei/Toru and Hyoue, and, in the movie, we'll get a hint towards that, with its own spin, perhaps even keyframed by Gosho.
  16. You bet it does. And I think that's all there is to it—it's Shukichi's own quirks + Gosho writing that piece of dialogue to confirm their mother's name is the same as the one on the handkerchief. Now, could Gosho have instead had Shuichi address his mother this way (like, "You shouldn't reveal your nationality so readily, Mary-san..."), given their strained relationship? Sure, I think that would've been a less awkward way to confirm their mother's name is the same as the one on the handkerchief.
  17. Yeah, just like, when he's talking to Yumi, he addresses her by "Yumi-tan." He's just a character who addresses others in a unique way.
  18. It's for our benefit (and Shinichi's/Conan's, so he can link the name to the name on the handkerchief). It's the kind of dialogue that is basically exposition for us. I wouldn't look too much into it. And, if I'm being honest, I have no desire to seriously consider the possibility that Mary isn't Shukichi's biological mother.
  19. I'll wait for MK 36 spoilers before making final judgment, but it seems like there's not gonna be much (if at all) plot progress, here. EDIT: MK 36 spoilers are out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5113041399
  20. Basically, yeah. We should get MK File 36 spoiler pics on Friday, then there'll be a break, next week, then we should get spoiler pics for 994 on the 26th.
  21. Take it with a pinch of salt if you really think there's something to this "Shiho/Ai will be shocked" thing, but, personally, I'd just discard it.
  22. I'm afraid that's from a non-official source. It's often cited as a clue to the Boss' identity when it really shouldn't be.
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