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Everything posted by DCUniverseAficionado

  1. RULES 1. Please use spoiler boxes until a full English translation is available. 2. NO DIRECT LINK to any Japanese scans (RAWs) or English scans (Japanese spoiler images are allowed as long as the amount and quality of which are very far away from a full scan). HOW TO USE A SPOILER BOX? Just simply type the following: [spoiler]Text you want to write[/spoiler] Summaries of 1,027 are now out: From Manaphy: From Anthony: And spoiler pics are now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6029815221 No break next week—we can expect 1,028 spoiler pics this time next week. Speaking of 1,028, a preview is already out, courtesy of Holmes [真呈亜]:
  2. The tradeoff for these longer breaks has been an increased pace and big developments—a healthier Gosho, taking us further headlong into the thick of things. Sounds good to me—and it has been pretty good, taking the past 13 months into account.
  3. Well, 1,026 text spoilers came out... Here are the 1,026 text spoilers, courtesy of Jecka and Sakaki:
  4. Apologies for the double post. Somehow, we got 1,026 spoiler pics—they came a full week earlier than expected: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5992388650 Unfortunately, there will be a four week break after 1,026—we likely won't get spoiler pics for 1,027 until February 8th.
  5. I honestly think either Asaka or Tsutomu would have had more windows of opportunity to take it. I guess it depends on whether you think the piece Rumi has is the very same one pried out of Kōji's hand or not—if it is, she's more likely to be Asaka. I have to wonder what prompted him to choose that specific alias—whether he's Rum or not, for him to happen to have an alias that, re-arranged and translated into English, is Rum's catchphrase (at least, it's his catchphrase in the context of these "Hurry up and give me intel on Shinichi Kudō" messages he's sent to Bourbon)... is it just an out-of-universe signal to readers from Gosho, or does the man with this alias have a reason for choosing it?
  6. More of a just-to-be-safe measure than anything else. Via deduction? With or without testimony from Rum (again, I'd doubt he'd just tell her about that)? I'd think the only one who'd know about the piece and its significance would be the one who took it from Kōji's dead hand—even if the case info specifies that a Ryuma piece that was there before was missing (assuming they took note of such a fact, of course), the only one who could be certain that it was part of Kōji's message is the one who pried it out of his hand. Honestly? No. I just don't feel comfortable, at this stage, making predictions about this dying message—and that's even if we do, right now, have all the pieces. "Ryuma Carasuma." That's what we seem to have—I don't know how that points to Kanenori Wakita.
  7. For that scenario, it would need a very specific time window in order to keep her room from having to be cleaned up by Rum—perhaps after poisoning Amanda, Rum went to silence Asaka (perhaps Rum called Asaka in when Asaka was standing outside). At this point, Kōji just happens to come by—he notices either Rum and Asaka going in the room or notices that no one is outside the room. He elects to then enter the room—and finds Asaka under attack (and likely sees Amanda dead, as well). A surprise attack by Rum near the door, inside the room, would allow there to be physical contact without messing up the room—at the very least, it would keep any potential mess to a minimum. Rum immediately stops and lunges at this witness to his crimes. Kōji runs, but Rum is able to stay right on his heels—this leads Kōji to conclude that he won't outrun Rum, so he makes for his own room, and tries to keep Rum out. At this point, Asaka is either in a haze from Rum's surprise attack, or is unconscious due to it. In the former case, Asaka comes at Rum, only for Rum to take advantage of Asaka's haze and incapacitate them—before he can APTX Asaka, however, he sees Tsutomu running at him. He quickly realizes he has to silence Kōji—now. He breaks in, finally. Kōji sustains defensive wounds before Rum forces APTX down his throat. Tsutomu then barges in and fights Rum. The fight ends with Rum fleeing the scene. In the latter case, Rum sees Tsutomu running at him as he tries to get Kōji's door open. He quickly realizes he has to silence Kōji—now. He breaks in, finally. Kōji sustains defensive wounds before Rum forces APTX down his throat. Tsutomu then barges in and fights Rum. The fight ends in Rum fleeing the scene. Perhaps Tsutomu leaves Asaka in the lurch, but perhaps he doesn't—the former scenario fits better with Asaka being rendered unconscious by Rum's initial surprise attack, while the latter scenario fits better with Asaka managing to stay conscious longer after Rum's initial surprise attack. As for the Asaka talking with Kōji scenario, this would lead to Asaka putting up a better fight—nonetheless, Kōji would still be forced into his room. When Asaka is finally rendered unconscious, Rum sees Tsutomu running at him. He quickly realizes he has to silence Kōji—now. He breaks in, finally. Kōji sustains defensive wounds before Rum forces APTX down his throat. Tsutomu then barges in and fights Rum. The fight ends in Rum fleeing the scene. In this case, Tsutomu intervening on Asaka's behalf and getting them out of there while they're unconscious fits this scenario better than Tsutomu leaving Asaka in the lurch. As for the Ryuma shogi piece, I believe Rum would've destroyed it had he actually gotten his hands on it—its continued existence would place him at risk. Keeping it around for 17 years seems foolish of him—keeping it around for 17 years and then giving it to Vermouth seems even more foolish of him. If Gin doesn't trust Vermouth's antics, why would Rum, a man Gin seems to respect the authority of, and a man who has gotten Vermouth to back off (yes, Movie 20 isn't canon, but didn't Gosho write that scene—correct me if I'm wrong)? Even if Anokata told Rum she should be allowed to have it, if she was insistent on having it for her plans, her getting her hands on it at all would require Rum to keep it for 17 years—which is very unlikely to me. So if Rum didn't take it, either Asaka or Tsutomu took it. If Asaka were to take it on their own, after regaining consciousness, that decision would be based on impulse rather than cohesive thought. If Tsutomu took it, perhaps he left it with Asaka. Since Rumi has the piece, this line of reasoning lends to the idea that Rumi is Asaka.
  8. Rum didn't force his way into Amanda's room—that would've likely led to it ending up messy. If Asaka was standing outside Amanda's room, if Rum had just began by attacking Asaka, then he'd have to deal with hiding the body—and if Amanda didn't expect him, and noticed Asaka was gone or wondered why her bodyguard let this person in, the room might've become messy as Amanda panicked and tried to defend herself. If Asaka was standing inside the room, then Amanda would've likely noticed the commotion of Rum attacking Asaka, and if their fight spilled into the room from the doorway, Amanda's room could've ended up messy, also because Amanda might've reacted in panic to Rum. More likely, Rum was let in by Amanda and Asaka, neither of whom thought the former's life was in danger—if Rum was someone Amanda expected, why attack immediately and risk his intent being exposed immediately when he could just slip in casually and poison Amanda under Asaka's nose. In other words, Amanda was killed first, and then Asaka was attacked. If Asaka wasn't APTX'd, then Rum must've been distracted—likely by Kōji (Asaka Vs Rum might've been underway in the hallway by the time Kōji came into view, or he came into view of the room just in time to see the fight spill out into the hallway). I presume that and Tsutomu's interference bought time for Asaka to regain consciousness—Asaka probably regained consciousness to find Kōji dead. Presuming they'd be arrested, they fled the scene. Alternatively, Asaka could've been talking with Kōji, thus giving Rum the chance to go and kill Amanda unimpeded. Which then would've led to a fight between Rum and Asaka & Kōji. After knocking Asaka out, Rum immediately hurried to silence Kōji, since if he killed Kōji quick, he could prevent him from escaping, and then come back to silence the unconscious Asaka—silencing Asaka before Kōji ran the risk of letting Kōji escape. After that, Tsutomu intervention, Rum flees, and then Asaka flees.
  9. You can check your PM inbox on DCTP for a more thorough response, but, basically... Other Asaka suspects = Rumi, Muga, Hyōe (or should I say, person who is now pretending to be Hyōe after the real Hyōe died in that accident 10 years ago, assuming that theory is true) If Rumi's not Vermouth, then I see her as someone with a score to settle with Rum, and someone who had to have been at the scene (in order to take the Ryuma shogi piece—take it from Kōji's dead hand, presumably). Ergo, she must be Asaka, or a sixth party (Asaka, Amanda, Kōji, Rum, Tsutomu are the 5 I presume were at the scene on that day) on the scene whose presence we haven't yet been privy to.
  10. Just curious, what are your alternatives (alternative theories, that is) to Asaka being Maria and Rumi being Vermouth? In other words, if Maria isn't Asaka, then who is Asaka... and if Vermouth isn't Rumi, then who is Rumi?
  11. Sincere apologies for the triple post, but... More spoiler pics are out for 1,025... and they're pretty big: https://imgur.com/a/GvGnBGe
  12. Apologies for the double post. We just got 1,025 spoilers, courtesy of Mycroft: EDIT: Spoiler pic of 1,025 now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5984952927 Break next week—we can expect 1,026 spoilers (and the conclusion of this case) around January 4th.
  13. Yeah, that would explain why there were no traces of poison. It could be Hoegi, but between those two, my bet is on Aburai, as well—as you point out, she's the one who gave out the straw that Odori ultimately used, thus giving her the best opportunity and the most control over the situation (so she wouldn't accidentally poison someone else).
  14. Toho Movie and maidigitv each released the teaser trailer on their YouTube channels today. Here's the translation of it, courtesy of Spimer: This confirms that the contents of this unofficial plot synopsis that had been floating around are the real deal: UPDATE: And here's the official synopsis of Movie 23, also translated by Spimer:
  15. Apologies for the double post. 1,024 spoiler pics are now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5972925373 As are translations: https://imgur.com/a/O9RCqfF Magazine break next week—we can expect 1,025 spoilers in two weeks. UPDATE: Here are text spoilers from 1,024, courtesy of Wheel of Fate and Baka, and translated by Mezoo and Mycroft: UPDATE (#2): Here are more 1,024 text spoilers, courtesy of Mycroft:
  16. Yep, and this is why I've been saying we've never been closer to the end of DC. But with his health issues, the tradeoff for that ever increasing closeness to the end is that the amount of Files & Cases we get per year are way down from the usual of years past.
  17. Alright, but this reveal is a pretty big deal—I advise you read 1,008 for yourself, first, but if you want to skip that, here it is: It was revealed in the last few pages of 1,008 that...
  18. Yeah... Chek seems to be the latest departure. She hasn't posted on either here or DCTP in over a year—I've been curious on her thoughts on everything that's happened since 1,000—my guess is the reveal in 1,008 really didn't sit well with her.
  19. Apologies for the double-post. I was made aware of this due to the Red Thread FaceBook page: There's already an (unconfirmed) synopsis of the movie out there—originally posted by @kaitouhayato570 and translated by Kurea. The content seems to match this article: https://www.cinematoday.jp/news/N0105361
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