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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by DCUniverseAficionado

  1. The title is finally out! Website: https://www.conan-movie.jp/ Screenshots/Details:
  2. RULES 1. Please use spoiler boxes until a full English translation is available. 2. NO DIRECT LINK to any Japanese scans (RAWs) or English scans (Japanese spoiler images are allowed as long as the amount and quality of which are very far away from a full scan). HOW TO USE A SPOILER BOX? Just simply type the following: [spoiler]Text you want to write[/spoiler] The two-month hiatus is at an end! 1,022 spoiler pics are now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5957361729 No break next week—we can expect 1,023 spoiler pics at this time next week. Here are some text spoilers, once again from Mycroft: And one more thing: UPDATE: 1,023 text spoilers are out, courtesy of Mycroft: File 1,023 Spoiler Pics are out, as well: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5968700416
  3. Release date varies by country. Which country do you plan on seeing it in?
  4. Found this (spoilers if you haven’t yet watched Movie 22):
  5. He’s even worse off than Shinichi/Conan—Nakamichi and Shinichi’s other soccer pals aren’t dead. I don’t see the point of this revelation of it isn’t to involve Taka’aki/Kōmei in the main plot—after all, you have that connection to Rei with the 0 on the envelope and Hiromitsu’s friend’s nickname AND we have the whole Rei/Shūichi/Kudōs meeting, with Hyōe aware of it. Too much is happening/adding up for this not to be an FBI/Japanese Security Bureaus/Team Conan effort against Rum and the BO due to the fallout of Shinichi’s public outing.
  6. Hey, how’s it going? In exchange for the faster character/story development (Shinichi and Ran in a relationship; Rum ordering Bourbon to investigate Shinichi; Yusaku revealing the Karasuma connection and staying in Japan to arrange a meeting with Bourbon to make a plan, which may very well involve at least one of the Nagano trio) we’ve had since File 1,000, we now get slower File output. Even if the end is only, say, 75 Files away, this new pattern of 7-16 week breaks in between cases will mean it’s going to take years for us to reach that ending. Bottom line—we’ve never been closer to the end… but it’ll still take years from now until we’re there.
  7. Apologies for the double post. There will not be a 3 week break, as I previously thought—higher quality spoiler pics (https://imgur.com/a/qd2uxus) have revealed that there will be a 9 week break, instead. We can thus expect File 1,022 spoiler pics, at the earliest, on November 22nd–23rd.
  8. 1,020 spoiler pics are now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5871562755 Be advised—these are extremely low quality. Thus, I will provide a new link once higher quality pics are provided.
  9. 1 spoiler pic from File 1,019 is out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5862875559 Will update when more become available.
  10. File 1,018 spoiler pics are now out: https://imgur.com/a/P1yxe1q EDIT: And here are some details provided by Jecka from DCTP:
  11. RULES 1. Please use spoiler boxes until a full English translation is available. 2. NO DIRECT LINK to any Japanese scans (RAWs) or English scans (Japanese spoiler images are allowed as long as the amount and quality of which are very far away from a full scan). HOW TO USE A SPOILER BOX? Just simply type the following: [spoiler]Text you want to write[/spoiler] A preview for the next case is out: https://i.imgur.com/VsfChxU.jpg Spoiler pics for 1,018 should be out this weekend.
  12. We’re probably not gonna find out what was said in that meeting until after a big confrontation with Rum (or another serial murder case that Rum takes interest in). In other words, Gosho can’t reveal what they talked about yet because it would spoil the plan Team Shinichi/Conan came up with (to deal with Rum’s interest in Shinichi) during this meeting.
  13. Spoiler pics for 1,017 are now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5772888235
  14. 1,016 spoiler pics (of quite low quality) have arrived: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/353321538080210945/459568473694011392/bcfcde0agy1fsjtieq87ej20tf0fl799.jpg
  15. Spoiler pics for 1,015 are now out: imgur.com/a/oPGeS3N No break next week—we can expect 1,016 spoilers at this time, next week.
  16. Spoiler pics for 1,014 are now out: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5736965871 No break next week—we can expect 1,015 spoilers by the end of this week (most likely Friday/Saturday).
  17. RULES 1. Please use spoiler boxes until a full English translation is available. 2. NO DIRECT LINK to any Japanese scans (RAWs) or English scans (Japanese spoiler images are allowed as long as the amount and quality of which are very far away from a full scan). HOW TO USE A SPOILER BOX? Just simply type the following: [spoiler]Text you want to write[/spoiler] From Weibo Blogger Aterufa-Iomo: https://www.facebook.com/DCTheRedThread/videos/1864050700313541/ Three spoiler pics of 1,013. The full file will come out in Shōnen Sunday #28, on the 6th. Also, there is no break next week—we can expect 1,014 spoilers around this time, next week.
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