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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. A meme that was kind funny at first define re-gifting
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAIGb1lfpBw
  3. M83 - Steve McQueen It really is, but xmas songs are only played during a few weeks of the year, so it's not that bad if I just keep my headphones with me when I go places
  4. Those are more valuable but look how cool these copper ones are though
  5. My favorite word to pronounce is "bourgeoisie"
  6. Two Door Cinema Club - Sun I usually buy shoes on the larger side so they shouldn't be too tight, and last I checked everything was assmebled correctly, I didn't read the directions though so it's possible I messed something up when it came to putting together my cranium, and hard to say, I have become a bit numb to those sad adoption commercials though so maybe I've never been a fan of xmas music though. I really like all the decorations and the seasonal desserts and everything and look forward to those, but after two consecutive or near consecutive xmas songs on the radio I just sorta..
  7. *continues bah humbug-ing off to the side* Lazyboy Empire - Vampire
  8. So I got caught up in Osomatsu-san yesterday. The comedy's pretty hit or miss, but it's overall still pretty enjoyable. I really like the old character designs, especially the sextuplets's. I'm excited to see what the second cour this winter will bring. Haikyuu's been really good lately. The training camp arc is coming to a close, so unfortunately a bunch of fan favorite characters are going to be leaving soon. The second season's been really good so far, but in comparison I still prefer the manga. I think it just overall handled the character development in the training camp arc better. That being said, I'm not sure where the anime's going to go from here. The upcoming arc is the fall tournament arc, and the manga's at the end of that arc right now. If they go ahead and start that, they could probably get one match in, but they couldn't just stop at that point. So if they do start the next arc, a third season is likely inevitable, but then the question becomes, when would a season three happen since the manga's not as far ahead anymore. The anime's been pretty faithful to the manga, so there's also the chance an in between arc could be added in to buy the mangaka some time. Whatever happens though, I'm looking forward to it and will always be down for an additional season.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2ydypTxUks the world's a great place
  10. I wonder what style of clothing will be popular in 10 years
  11. Decorative metal ceilings Copper ones particularly
  12. "What matters isn't how a person's inner life finally puts together the alphabet and numbers of his outer life. What really matters is whether he uses the alphabet for a declaration of a war or the description of a sunrise--his numbers for the final count at Buchenwald or the specifics of a brand new bridge." --Mr. Rogers
  13. I finished Gundam, and started Zeta. I went from such a high note and surprisingly nice finale to just.. angst. Immature, impulsive, brash angst. It's the worst kind of angst, because at this point in time, I don't have any other knowledge of this character and for all I know, he might just be like this all the time and never change. I don't mind and even sort like angst when these characteristics signify character development, but what a horrible first impression did this protag leave. I didn't particularly like Amuro, but he at least he wasn't irritating from the start. If this protag doesn't get more tolerable this is gonna be a rough 50 episodes... Zeta's protag, Kamille, seems more tragic than Amuro. I'm 5 ep's in and his mom was killed in front of him, and his dad's been just very... crappy. Kamille's parents are both very successful in a professional sense, but the mom was incredibly unhappy, the dad has a mistress, and their child's just... he's not... this has obviously affected him negatively to say the least. I like tragic characters, but I've never seen a tragic character done this way before. Most/all I've seen are usually very quiet, polite, trying to mask everything, and just generally try to fade into the background and not cause any trouble. Meanwhile, Kamille's constantly doing something he probably shouldn't be doing. He's punched so many people and inconvenienced many others yet he's still trucking. I've heard good things about him though, so I hope he'll change soon. I do want to like him, especially since I wasn't particularly fond of Amuro, but he's hard to tolerate at the moment. I think that change might have already started though, because in the first ep, right when he heard the one military guy mentioned how 'Kamille''s typically a girl's name and he was flying over to punch him, he was using "ore", but now that he's surrounded by people who he likes and feels more respected by, he's using "boku" I really hope this means, the side he's now currently with will have a positive impact on him and change him for the better. Or rather, that he'll allow himself to be influenced by this new group of people for the better. Being that he's now going to be in a constant military environment and thrust into battle frequently, his odds of turning out great aren't too high, but I hope his angst dies out soon because of it. When Amuro was being angsty and irritating, he was put back into place fairly quickly, so I'm hoping something similar will happen here too. Something tells me a couple slaps across the face and stern talking-to's won't make too much of an impact on Kamille though....
  14. *obligatory Pupa mention* Now that that's out of the way, Meganebu and Senki Zesshou Symphogear are definitely pretty high up there on my list. Meganebu aired a couple weeks after SnK and Free were airing, and being that I'd just gotten back into anime after a year off or so, my expectations of everything were pretty high. Because of that, I watched a good amount of the things airing that fall. One or two series ended up being pleasant surprises, most were average, but then there was this thing. The animation was unappealing, the character designs bugged me, I didn't like the voice acting, nor the "plot". I dreaded watching a new episode every week, but I had a feeling if I dropped it, and later complained about, I'd likely get accused of only watching an ep or two, and then forming a negative opinion. So I stuck it out, and now I'm here :^) I don't even like thinking about this one because it makes me irritated when I'm reminded how disappointing it was As for Symphogear... I feel bad about disliking this one as much as I do because it's one of my friends favorite series but I just.... n-no thanks. I guess I just don't find its concept appealing.... I feel weird criticizing this one too much because my friend likes it so much to be honest...
  15. "When we dehumanize people – when we call them demons, monsters, and murderers – we make it easier for others to do them harm." Just a tiny disclaimer that while I don't necessarily agree with the article I got this quote from, I do think the quote has an important message that applies to multiple situations and should therefore always be kept in the back of one's mind. That's why, despite not particularly liking its source, I still decided on sharing it.
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