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Everything posted by machine

  1. So uh.... did'ja guys here that in some tens of billions of years, Mars might become a ringed planet after its gravity destroys its largest moon? Though no one will be around to see it, I hope it happens. Just imagine how cool it'd look up and see a ringed planet. If you had a decent telescope, the view would probably be incredible. In less cool news, one of the last northern white rhinos died a couple days ago. There are now just three left on the planet. As far as I know, two of the three are now past reproductive age too (two of the three are both males anyway) so with each day, their existence looks more, and more grim. If there's anything good to come out of this, it's that it did make more people aware of just how many species are facing endangerment and even extinction. Hopefully, as time goes on and people become more aware, less animals will face extinction and get to the point where they can only survive and thrive in captivity. (nsfw warning? maybe...?) --I forgot to add this yesterday! The Cleveland Clinic is expected to be the place of the first uterus transplant in the United States. The uterus would come from an organ donor and would be given to a woman who lacks a functioning one. The uterus would have to be removed after the woman has one or two children though, so it's not a complete substitute, but for infertile women this is still great news. However, any and all pregnancies conceived by women with these transplants would be considered high risk meaning the cost of this would go up even more. There have been previous attempts at uterine transplants in other countries, and a few of them have been successful. All the successful transplants were done with uteruses that came from live donors though. (In five of the successful cases, the donors were the women's mothers meaning those women and their children were formed/would be formed in the same womb) While this is good news, it has brought up the question of whether or not this is going too far, so take this news as you will. And if anyone wants to read the full article since it's pretty interesting and I condensed it down quite a bit, here you go
  2. I wonder why all the pictures of earthquake lights I've found are so terrible if they're a documented rare phenomenon, there's gotta be better, more damning pictures of them out there somewhere right?
  3. ^ I'm not one to advise against using labels, but I am going to urge you to just take the label lightly. Some people know their orientation from a young age, but things do have the chance of changing, so just try to keep that in mind and it'll save you a lot of grief. If any doubts do come up though, take a step back and address them instead of going into something akin to denial because you've already decided you're one thing and therefore think you can't be something different. The label's not set in stone, so if it ever seems off, reconsider it c: I found one of my old friends got the lead role at her dance studio's performance of The Nutcracker this year Be the best Clara that studio's ever seen! Go knock the entire auditorium's socks off!
  4. A good night's sleep. I wasn't able to get one the past two nights so I'm looking forward to being able to sleep to my heart's content again
  5. I didn't think anyone would try to help since this thread's kinda dead, so thank you! c: It might be...? A lot of actress from the 1910s - 1920s look the same to me so I haven't got the slightest clue. I was looking at the blog listed in the corner of the gif though, and that user reblogged quite a few things of Lillian Gish so it's possible! Maybe! The clothes certainly do look like they could be from there. And going off this image, the girl on the right does look like the girl in the gif. Orphans of the Storm is a pretty long movie, but when I find the time to watch it, I'll report back to see if you somehow managed to find the source c:
  6. I've been trying, but I can't find what movie this gif is from or who the actress is
  7. "It's all about the first person you want to tell good news to."
  8. Dear anon, I don't have any animosity towards you or anything, but it was pretty funny to see you go from looking so pleased with yourself and smug to shocked when you realized you skipped the wrong day in class. --kid who sits across from you
  9. Diamond no Ace second season ep 34: I watched Oofuri--I had a feeling this would happened. "Are you hurt anywhere?" "Everywhere, heh." yOU can't play that off as a comic relief moment, the kid just got freaking rammed by a player that's probably got 30 lbs - 50 lbs on him you can't do that especially not when they're going into extra innings you can't just do that Mobile Suit Gundam: I'm officially more than halfway through and therefore now feel qualified enough to have some semblance of an opinion. Characters are starting to be developed more which is good. Bright's probably my favorite, partially because he's slapped both Kai and Amuro when they were being selfish/sexist/generally irritating. Sayla's also neat. Char hasn't been around much at all since ep 12 or so, so I don't really have much of an opinion of him at the moment since the most I saw of him was in the beginning episodes. I'm assuming that'll change soon though. The plot's really formulaic, it bothered me a lot at first, but I've gotten used to it. I do wish the White Base would lose at least once though. It should've happened multiple times already, but it hasn't and it's starting to irritate me slightly. The opening's really grown on me since I started Gundam. It's more or less a little saddening that even the characters who have died are still shown in the opening. I know I've seen an anime or two that has edited out characters in the opening/ending once they've died and I wish they would've done that here. Maybe that's thinking a little too advanced for an anime from 1979 though, especially considering how certain cliches and character troupes weren't even around back then. It also bothers me a little bit just how plastic the gundam and other gun- weaponry look. The bright red, white, yellow, and blue combination is very toy-ish. Sometimes it can take away from the experience a tad because it looks so out of place for the setting. (Like if we're in a battlefield, a large robot is already farfetched, but a very flashy, giant robot is even more so. I don't want camouflage mechs, but at least in the few other mecha things I've seen, a lot of the mechs had darker colors and at least looked somewhat intimidating. Meanwhile the gundam and gun-'s occasionally just look like giant toys. The Zeon mechs don't look as childish, but the Federation's, for the most part, really, really do at times.) My main complaint at the moment though, is that since it's gotten a little more plot heavy in recent episodes, I'm starting to dislike that the episode previews comes before the ending theme. I liked that at first, but the show has now spoiled itself three or four times because of it and just... why would you spoil character deaths? I just don't see any benefit to doing that, it ruins the surprise and lessens the reaction from the viewer :c TL;DR: 's pretty good. I've heard great things about Zeta and the War in Pocket OVA so at the very least, I will be sticking with Gundam's UC timeline through those. I started MSG with the intention (and hopes) of getting really into the entire (or at least most of it) franchise though, so hopefully this is just the very, very beginning
  10. ...have you tried talking to them? Or did you just unfortunately end up with an unreasonable professor?
  11. Headaches caused by temperature changes why is this a thing you can't tell me humans are so well evolved and more advanced than everything else on this planet and then give me a pity look every fall when the trees and air pressure changes bring me to my knees. my cat doesn't have these problems despite her being below humans, this isn't fair Well.. the professor might've put them with you because they believed that you might be more patient and understanding with them than other students. Assuming groups weren't randomly assigned of course.. if that is the case though, that sounds like a slightly irritating stroke of luck People who choose to remain ignorant are the worst. Ignorance in and of itself can't be helped though since everyone's ignorant in one way or another.
  12. "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." --Carl Jung
  13. In 10 years I wonder just what kind of new species will be discovered
  14. Warmth, preferably through the form of food or blankets
  15. Dear anon, To be blunt, I probably should have unfriended a long time ago, but your ignorance + arrogance combo is just so... "interesting" to watch, I haven't. I never thought of you as notably smart, but I didn't think you were stupid by any means. That being said, it shouldn't have to be explained to you, or anyone for that matter, to not spread pictures around of victims of horrible events--especially recent ones. Using a tragedy to promote your own political views is incredibly, incredibly shitty. For someone who regularly boasts about their own maturity, you sure do a terrible job at pretending you're an at least a somewhat compassionate being. -- *irritated exhale* -------------- Dear anonymous, Please teach me how to knit. I'm very cold. -- your much younger sibling + the cat
  16. When people keep the A/C on full blast despite it only being 50F out
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